Tools for running cell segmentation using pretrained U-Nets.
- The
module which implements a classCellSegmentator
to make running segmentation from Python code easier. - A
module which contain a couple of post-processing functions that is good to use when working with images from the Human Protein Cell Atlas.
The following steps will install hpacellseg
to your local pip
installations folder together with all necessary dependencies.
git clone
cd HPA-Cell-Segmentation
You can verify the installation has worked by running
python -c 'import hpacellseg'
in a terminal.
If you want to use anaconda/miniconda (env tested on a100 gpu):
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate hpacellseg
Note that it can be nice to run the pip steps in the install script yourself,
trying them with the –dry-run flag to make sure they won’t overwrite the
desired torch and numpy versions. The torch and cuda versions should be changed
for the needed setup, we just can’t have torch higher than 1.9.1. Using conda
search pytorch
you can find the right property string to add after the version
number in the environment yaml.
The CellSegmentator
is made for programmaticly iterating through a
list of images and returning the segmentations.
It is located in hpacellseg.cellsegmentator
- nuclei_model
This should be a string containing the path to the nuclei-model weights. If the weights do not exist at the path, they will be downloaded to it.
Defaults to
. - cell_model
This should be a string containing the path to the cell-model weights. If the weights do not exist at the path, they will be downloaded to it.
Defaults to
. - scale_factor
This value determines how much the images should be scaled before being fed to the models. For HPA Cell images, a value of
is good.Defaults to
. - device
Inform Torch which device to put the model on. Valid values are ‘cpu’ or ‘cuda’ or pointed cuda device like ‘cuda:0’.
Defaults to
. - padding
If True, add some padding before feeding the images to the neural networks. This is not required but can make segmentations, especially cell segmentations, more accurate.
Defaults to
.Note: If you have issues running the segmentation due to image dimensions, setting
may help. - multi_channel_model
If True, use the pretrained three-channel version of the model. Having this set to True gives you better cell segmentations but requires you to give the model endoplasmic reticulum images as part of the cell segmentation. Otherwise, the version trained with only two channels, microtubules and nuclei, will be used.
Defaults to
The two segmentation functions are
- pred_nuclei
The function takes a list of image arrays or a list of string paths to images. If the image arrays are 3 channels, the nuclei should be in the third (blue) channel.
Returns a list of the neural network outputs of the nuclei segmentation. The images are on the format (3, H, W). The three channels are as follows [<Unused>, touching-nuclei, Nuclei-segmentation].
- pred_cells
The function takes a list of three lists as input. The lists should contain either image arrays or string paths, in the order of microtubules, endoplasmic reticulum, and nuclei.
Returns a list of the neural network outputs of the cell segmentations. The images are on the format (3, H, W). The three channels for the cell segmentation are as follows [<Unused>, touching-cells, Cell-segmentation].
Note that both these functions assume that all input images are of the same shape!!
The two available post-processing functions are located in the hpacellseg.utils
module. They are:
- label_nuclei
Input with the nuclei prediction for an image. Returns the labeled nuclei mask array. 0s in the array indicate background while all other numbers 1-n indicate which cell is in that spot.
- label_cell
Input with the nuclei and cell prediction for an image. Returns the labeled nuclei and cell mask arrays as a tuple. As with
, the background is 0s and other numbers indicates which cell is there. The same cell will have the same number in both arrays.
import hpacellseg.cellsegmentator as cellsegmentator
from hpacellseg.utils import label_cell, label_nuclei
from imageio import imwrite
# Assuming that there are images in the current folder with the
# following names.
images = [
["microtubules_one.tif", "microtubules_two.tif"],
["endoplasmic_reticulum_one.tif", "endoplasmic_reticulum_two.tif"],
["nuclei_one.tif", "nuclei_two.tif"]
NUC_MODEL = "./nuclei-model.pth"
CELL_MODEL = "./cell-model.pth"
segmentator = cellsegmentator.CellSegmentator(
# NOTE: setting padding=True seems to solve most issues that have been encountered
# during our single cell Kaggle challenge.
# For nuclei: taking in nuclei channels as inputs
nuc_segmentations = segmentator.pred_nuclei(images[2])
# For full cells: taking in 3 channels as inputs
cell_segmentations = segmentator.pred_cells(images)
# post-processing nuclei mask
nuclei_mask = label_nuclei(nuc_segmentations[0])
# post-processing nuclei and cell mask
for i, (nuc_segmentation, cell_segmentation) in enumerate(zip(nuc_segmentations, cell_segmentations)):
nuclei_mask, cell_mask = label_cell(nuc_segmentation, cell_segmentation)
# Save these masks in local folder
imwrite(f"nucleimask_{i}.png", nuclei_mask)
imwrite(f"cellmask_{i}.png", cell_mask)