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Working with newlestehorn

Anshuman edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 4 revisions


To install newlestehorn, go here and install the latest release of newlestehorn. You also need to have love2d lua game engine install. You can install it from here.

Opening newlestehorn

Open love engine in the same folder as where you have newlestehorn installed without specifying a file a open. One way is to open up terminal and cd into the folder where you have installed newlestehorn. Then enter love .

cd path_to_newlestehorn
love .

You will get the following screen:

Working on a chapter

To work on a chapter, you need to have a local copy of the newleste.p8 repo. The best way is to make your own fork of the repo and clone it on your machine.

Then press Ctrl+O (o not zero) in newlestehorn to open up a dialog box where you can select which file to choose. like below: Select a file and click on open. The cart for the chapter will be opened up in newlestehorn editor.

You can now start working on the chapter you selected. After your work is done, press Ctrl+S to save it in the cart file only.

Make sure to have a look at all the keyboard shortcuts and inputs for various tools and features here. This link will be very useful till you don't get accustomed to them.

Submitting your work

When your work is over and you are satisfied, you can commit your changes in your fork and push them to github. Then you open a pull request to have them merged.

🥳 Have Fun!