The information about the bot is work in progress, it will take some time to get all the details down so be patient please. The wiki page is being made and is being filled with the proper information.
It's a program that allows you to write text into it and have a voice speak that text for you, it was originally made for me personally but i have adjusted it to fit a public release, i have seen a lot of "mute" people streaming and communicating to others using Text. With this program you can easily communicate with your Stream Chat or friends in Discord, and other things like games.
- Text to Speech.
- Adjusting delay.
- Changing audio source(s).
- None as of now.
Step 1:
- Create an Amazon AWS account Here
- Login using the account created.
- Go to the Top Right of the page and click your name, then press "Security credentials"
- Go to "User groups" and click "Create group"
- Create a Group Name called "Transcribe" then in the "Attach permissions policies" search for "Transcribe" and press enter.
- Click checkbox of "AmazonTranscribeFullAccess" and click Create Group.
Step 2:
- Click "Users" on the left side and then "Add users top right.
- Create any name you want, then press Next.
- Click the checkbox next to the group you made in Step 1, then press Next and then Create User.
- Go back into Users, select the user you created, then "Add permissions"
- Now select "Attach policies directly" and search for Polly and check "AmazonPollyReadOnlyAccess" then next then add permissions
- Go back into "User Groups", select your group and checkbox the user you made, then add users.
Step 3:
- Click on the user you made and go to "Security credentials" and click "Enable console access"
- select Enable and either Auto or Custom password then press Apply.
- PS (Remember this password, write it down or you can download the CSV file)
- Now go down to "Access keys" and Create access key
- Select "Application running outside AWS" and press next.
- Now you have access to the AccessID and the SecretID.
- Copy them both and paste them into the TTS program, then click Login!
- Have fun ^_^
- Replace the files into the existing folder you have.
- The login & settings will not be replaced.
- You're done.
Discord (For future updates and support of the TTS)
Twitter (A follow doesn't hurt)
Twitch (Subs/Bits/Follow are welcome if you want to support me)
Support me (If you want to support me)
Cathienna -
if you want to be on the list then DM me.
I have issues and i need help
Join my discord and post your issues in the Issues section, i'll help ASAP. If it's a bug or an issue that does not need your immediate help create an issue ticket here:
I want some more features on this bot!
Message me on Discord or Twitter, i'll be happy to listen to the ideas!
Can i be your sponsor or partnership with you for free?
Yes anyone can for any of my bots, Message me on Discord or Twitter and we can discuss it. (no payments)
I want to support you but i don't have anything to spare, can i support you somehow?
By following me you support me, if you want to support me more then watching my streams, joining my community and/or having the Sponsor Logo on your Twitch page will help greatly as well as helping advertising the bots i have.
Something like this already exists, why make it?
There will always be something similar, but anything can be improved and made different.
None i could find while using it myself.
Twitch Panel: (