Control your grafana alerts by the command line.
Install either by downloading one of the prebuilt binaries or by running go get
Grafana Alert Control - Control Grafana alerts in bulk
Disable alerts
Enable alerts
Ignore active alerts when changing state
Restore alerts
Save the alert state
-statefile string
The file to save/restore state to/from (default "./alerts.gastate")
-token string
The API token for the instance
-url string
The URL of the Grafana Instance (default "https://localhost:3000")
To save your alert settings locally, you can do the following
grafana-alertctl -url <your_grafana_instance> -token <your_api_token> -save
To specify where the save file, use
grafana-alertctl -url <your_grafana_instance> -token <your_api_token> -statefile <file> -save
To restore saved alert settings locally, you can do the following
grafana-alertctl -url <your_grafana_instance> -token <your_api_token> -restore
To specify where the save file to restore, use
grafana-alertctl -url <your_grafana_instance> -token <your_api_token> -statefile <file> -restore
To disable alerts in the ok or unknown state (can be combined with the save option) use
grafana-alertctl -url <your_grafana_instance> -token <your_api_token> -disable
To disregard the alert state and disable even active alerts, add -force
grafana-alertctl -url <your_grafana_instance> -token <your_api_token> -disable -force
To enable alerts use
grafana-alertctl -url <your_grafana_instance> -token <your_api_token> -enable