Managed Doom is a Doom source port written in C#. The entire code is manually translated from Linux Doom with some effort to make it natural C# code. Most functionalities necessary for single player game are implemented, and now it's in the playable state.
Software renderering
- Front-to-back rendering using BSP
- Wall texture mapping
- Ceiling / floor texture mapping
- Transparent textures
- Diminishing lighting
- Sky rendering
- Sprite rendering
- High resolution rendering
- Optimization
- Fuzz effect
- Palette effects
- Collision detection
- Player movement
- Player attack
- Monster AI
- Doors and platforms
- Animated textures
- Demo compatibility
- Sound
- Music
- Status bar
- Automap
- Title screen
- Intermission screen
- Menu screen
- Save / load
- Screen melt animation
- Config
- DeHackEd support
Managed Doom is distributed under the GPLv2 license.
Managed Doom uses the following libraries.
- SFML, CSFML and SFML.Net by Laurent Gomila (zlib license)
- TimGM6mb by Tim Brechbill (GPLv2 license)
- MeltySynth (MIT license)
SFML uses the following libraries.
- FreeType (GPLv2 license)
- libjpeg (public domain)
- stb_image (public domain)
- OpenAL Soft (LGPL license)
- libogg (BSD-3 license)
- libvorbis (BSD-3 license)
- libFLAC (BSD-3 license)
The Game Engine Black Book: DOOM by Fabien Sanglard
If you want to understand the big picture of the rendering process in Doom, buy this one. -
The Unofficial Doom Specs by Matthew S Fell -
MUS File Format Description by Vladimir Arnost -
Chocolate Doom by Simon Howard
Chocolate Doom is used as the reference of compatibility tests. -
Crispy Doom by Fabian Greffrath
The minimal HUD is imported from Crispy Doom. -
Doom Wiki -
Eternity Engine DeHackEd / BEX Reference