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pg_schema_triggers 0.1

This extension adds schema change events to the Event Triggers feature in PostgreSQL 9.3 and higher. By using the ProcessUtility hook, it transparently adds new event types to the CREATE EVENT TRIGGER command. These new events include column add, drop, and alter as well as table create and rename.

Each event has access to relevant information, such as the table's oid and the old and new names.

New Events

This extension adds support for several additional events that may be used with the CREATE EVENT TRIGGER command.

Event Name            Description
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
relation_create       New relation (table, view, or index) created;  note
                      that at the point that this event fires, the table's
                      constraints and column defaults have NOT yet been
                      created.  [This corresponds to the OAT_POST_CREATE

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_relation_create_eventinfo() function will return
                      a RELATION_CREATE_EVENTINFO record: 

                          relation      REGCLASS
                          new           PG_CATALOG.PG_CLASS

relation_alter        An existing relation has been altered.  [This event
                      corresponds to the OAT_POST_ALTER hook.]

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_relation_alter_eventinfo() function will return
                      a RELATION_ALTER_EVENTINFO record: 

                          relation      REGCLASS
                          old           PG_CATALOG.PG_CLASS
                          new           PG_CATALOG.PG_CLASS

relation_drop         An existing relation has been dropped.  [This event
                      corresponds to the OAT_DROP hook.]

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_relation_drop_eventinfo() function will return
                      a RELATION_DROP_EVENTINFO record: 

                          old_relation_oid  REGCLASS
                          old               PG_CATALOG.PG_CLASS

column_add            A new column has been added to a relation.  Note,
                      this will only be called for columns added *after*
                      a relation is first created.

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_column_add_eventinfo() function will return
                      a COLUMN_ADD_EVENTINFO record: 

                          relation      REGCLASS
                          attnum        INT16
                          new           PG_CATALOG.PG_ATTRIBUTE

column_alter          An existing column has been altered.  [This event
                      corresponds to the OAT_POST_ALTER hook.]

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_column_alter_eventinfo() function will return
                      a COLUMN_ALTER_EVENTINFO record: 

                          relation      REGCLASS
                          attnum        INT16
                          old           PG_CATALOG.PG_ATTRIBUTE
                          new           PG_CATALOG.PG_ATTRIBUTE

column_drop           An existing column has been dropped.

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_column_drop_eventinfo() function will return
                      a COLUMN_DROP_EVENTINFO record: 

                          relation      REGCLASS
                          attnum        INT16
                          old           PG_CATALOG.PG_ATTRIBUTE

trigger_create        A new trigger has been created.

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_trigger_create_eventinfo() function will return
                      a TRIGGER_CREATE_EVENTINFO record: 

                          trigoid       OID
                          is_internal   BOOLEAN
                          new           PG_CATALOG.PG_TRIGGER

trigger_drop          An existing trigger has been dropped.

                      From the event trigger function, calling the
                      get_trigger_drop_eventinfo() function will return
                      a TRIGGER_DROP_EVENTINFO record: 

                          trigoid       OID
                          old           PG_CATALOG.PG_TRIGGER


This example issues a NOTICE whenever a table is created with a name that begins with test_.

postgres=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION on_relation_create()
           RETURNS event_trigger
           LANGUAGE plpgsql
           AS $$
               event_info schema_triggers.RELATION_CREATE_EVENTINFO;
               RAISE NOTICE 'on_relation_create()';
               event_info := schema_triggers.get_relation_create_eventinfo();
               IF NOT event_info.relation::text LIKE 'test_%' THEN RETURN; END IF;
               RAISE NOTICE 'Relation (%) created in namespace (oid=%).',
               RAISE NOTICE 'new pg_class row: %',;
postgres=# CREATE EVENT TRIGGER test_relations ON relation_create
           EXECUTE PROCEDURE on_relation_create();
postgres=# create table foobar();
postgres=# create table test_foobar();
NOTICE:  Relation (test_foobar) created in namespace oid:(2200).
NOTICE:  new pg_class row: (test_foobar,2200,49224,0,10,0,49222,0,0,0,0,0,0,f,f,p,r,0,0,f,f,f,f,f,t,924,1,,)


This extension requires PostgreSQL 9.3 and higher, with the development packages and utilities (in particular, pg_config) installed.

To build, install, and test:

$ make
$ make install
$ make installcheck

To enable this extension for a database, ensure that the extension has been installed (make install) and then use the CREATE EXTENSION mechanism:

CREATE EXTENSION schema_triggers;

In order for the extension to work (that is, for CREATE EVENT TRIGGER to recognize the new events and for the event triggers to be fired upon those events happening) the library must be loaded. Add a line to postgresql.conf:

shared_preload_libraries = ''

Alternately, the new events can be enabled during a single session with the LOAD command. This is unlikely to be useful except during testing:

LOAD '';

Authors and Credits

Andrew Tipton [email protected]

Developed by malloc() labs limited ( for CartoDB.


This PostgreSQL extension is free software; you may use it under the same terms as PostgreSQL itself. (See the LICENSE file for full licensing information.)