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Fix App_Lam rule in bidir
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myreen committed Oct 5, 2023
1 parent 09dad92 commit 05de3cc
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Showing 2 changed files with 58 additions and 49 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions compiler/backend/languages/relations/pure_presScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ open pure_expTheory pure_valueTheory pure_evalTheory pure_eval_lemmasTheory
pure_tcexpTheory pure_tcexp_lemmasTheory
pure_typingTheory pure_typingPropsTheory;

val exp_of_def = pureLangTheory.exp_of_def;
val rows_of_def = pureLangTheory.rows_of_def;
val lets_for_def = pureLangTheory.lets_for_def;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,9 +154,11 @@ Inductive bidir:
(* typing: => direction proved
<= direction has mismatching free variables *)
(∀a b c vs x.
bidir (App a (Lam b vs x) (MAP (Var c) vs))
x) ∧
(∀a b c vs x ws.
set vs ⊆ set ws ∧ vs ≠ []
bidir (Lam a ws (App b (Lam c vs x) (MAP (Var d) vs)))
(Lam a ws x)) ∧
(∀a b c d vs l e.
EVERY (λ(v,e). DISJOINT (IMAGE explode (set vs)) (freevars (exp_of e)) ∧
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,7 +362,6 @@ Proof
>~ [`spec_arg`]
>- cheat (* TODO specialisation *) >>
rw[] >> eq_tac >> rw[] >> gvs[EVERY_MEM, FORALL_PROD] >> res_tac
>- cheat (* App_Lam - not true due to potentially empty `vs` *)

Theorem pres_imp_wf_preserved:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -638,6 +638,7 @@ Proof
\\ irule Letrec_eq_Let_Letrec)
(fs [exp_of_def,MAP_MAP_o,o_DEF]
\\ irule exp_eq_Lams_cong
\\ ‘MAP (λx. Var (explode x) : exp) vs = MAP Var (MAP explode vs)’ by
fs [MAP_MAP_o,o_DEF]
\\ simp [Apps_Lams_Vars])
Expand Down
96 changes: 52 additions & 44 deletions compiler/backend/languages/relations/pure_pres_lemmasScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open pure_expTheory pure_valueTheory pure_evalTheory pure_eval_lemmasTheory
val _ = new_theory "pure_pres_lemmas";

Theorem bidir_letrec_eta:
MEM (f,Lam a vs x) l ∧ ALL_DISTINCT (MAP FST l) ∧
MEM (f,Lam a vs x) l ∧ ALL_DISTINCT (MAP FST l) ∧ vs ≠ [] ∧
EVERY (λ(v,e).
DISJOINT (IMAGE explode (set vs)) (freevars (exp_of e)) ∧
~MEM v vs) l ∧
Expand All @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ Proof
\\ conj_tac
(irule bidir_Letrec \\ fs [LIST_REL_same]
\\ irule bidir_Lam \\ simp [Once bidir_sym,bidir_App_Lam])
\\ simp [Once bidir_sym]
\\ irule bidir_App_Lam \\ fs [])
\\ irule_at Any bidir_trans
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_Letrec_Lam \\ fs []
\\ simp [Once bidir_sym]
Expand All @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ Proof

Theorem bidir_letrec_eta_1:
¬MEM f vs
¬MEM f vs ∧ vs ≠ []
(Letrec a [(f,Lam a vs x)] (Var a f))
Expand All @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ Proof

Theorem bidir_letrec_expand_1:
¬MEM f vs
¬MEM f vs ∧ vs ≠ []
(Letrec a [(f,Lam a vs x)] x)
Expand All @@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ Proof

Theorem bidir_contract_1:
~MEM f ps ∧ ~MEM f ws ∧ vs ≠ [] ∧ ws ≠ []
~MEM f ps ∧ ~MEM f ws ∧ vs ≠ [] ∧ ws ≠ [] ∧ set ws ⊆ set vs
(Lam a (vs ++ ps)
(Letrec a [(f,Lam a (ws ++ ps) x)]
Expand All @@ -103,53 +104,60 @@ Theorem bidir_contract_1:
Cases_on ‘ps = []’ >- fs []
\\ rw []
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ irule_at Any bidir_Lam_append \\ fs []
\\ irule bidir_Lam
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ qabbrev_tac ‘y = Letrec a [(f,Lam a (ws ++ ps) x)] x’
\\ qexists_tac ‘Lam a ps
(App a (Lam a (ws ++ ps) y) (MAP (Var a) ws ++ MAP (Var a) ps))’
\\ conj_tac >-
(irule bidir_Lam
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ irule_at Any bidir_Letrec_App_forget
\\ irule_at Any bidir_App
\\ fs [LIST_REL_same,EVERY_MAP,exp_of_def]
\\ gvs [EVERY_MEM]
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_Letrec_unroll \\ fs []
\\ unabbrev_all_tac
\\ irule bidir_Letrec_Lam
\\ fs [exp_of_def,IN_DISJOINT,MEM_MAP]
\\ metis_tac [])
\\ simp [Once bidir_sym]
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ qexists_tac ‘App a (Lam a (ws ++ ps) y) (MAP (Var a) ws)’
\\ conj_tac >-
\\ qabbrev_tac ‘z = Letrec a [(f,Lam a (ws ++ ps) x)] x’
\\ ‘Letrec a [(f,Lam a (ws ++ ps) x)] (Var a f) <--> Lam a (ws ++ ps) z’ by
(irule bidir_trans
\\ irule_at Any bidir_Letrec_App_forget
\\ irule_at Any bidir_App
\\ fs [LIST_REL_same,EVERY_MAP,exp_of_def]
\\ gvs [EVERY_MEM]
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_Letrec_unroll \\ fs []
\\ unabbrev_all_tac
\\ irule bidir_Letrec_Lam
\\ fs [exp_of_def,IN_DISJOINT,MEM_MAP]
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_Letrec_Lam \\ gvs []
\\ gvs [exp_of_def,IN_DISJOINT,MEM_MAP]
\\ metis_tac [])
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ qexists_tac ‘Lam a ps y’
\\ conj_tac >-
(irule bidir_trans
\\ qsuff_tac ‘
Lam a (vs ++ ps)
(App a (Lam a (ws ++ ps) z) (MAP (Var a) ws ++ MAP (Var a) ps)) <-->
Lam a vs
(App a (Lam a (ws ++ ps) z) (MAP (Var a) ws))’
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_trans
\\ irule_at (Pos last) bidir_trans
\\ pop_assum $ irule_at $ Pos hd
\\ irule_at Any bidir_Lam
\\ irule_at Any bidir_Lam
\\ unabbrev_all_tac
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_trans
\\ irule_at Any bidir_Letrec_App_forget
\\ gvs [EVERY_MAP,exp_of_def] \\ gvs [EVERY_MEM]
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_App
\\ gvs [LIST_REL_same]
\\ simp [Once bidir_sym]
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_trans
\\ irule_at Any bidir_Letrec_App_forget
\\ gvs [EVERY_MAP,exp_of_def] \\ gvs [EVERY_MEM]
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_App
\\ gvs [LIST_REL_same])
\\ irule_at Any bidir_trans
\\ qexists_tac ‘Lam a (vs ++ ps) z’
\\ conj_tac >-
(rewrite_tac [GSYM MAP_APPEND]
\\ irule bidir_App_Lam \\ fs []
\\ gvs [SUBSET_DEF])
\\ qsuff_tac ‘
Lam a vs (Lam a ps z) <-->
Lam a vs (App a (Lam a ws (Lam a ps z)) (MAP (Var a) ws))’
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_Lam_append \\ fs []
\\ qexists_tac ‘MAP (Var a) ws’ \\ fs []
\\ irule bidir_trans
\\ pop_assum $ irule_at $ Pos hd
\\ irule bidir_Lam
\\ irule bidir_App
\\ gvs [LIST_REL_same]
\\ metis_tac [bidir_App_Lam])
\\ irule bidir_Lam
\\ simp [Once bidir_sym]
\\ irule_at (Pos hd) bidir_Lam_append \\ fs [])
\\ simp [Once bidir_sym]
\\ rewrite_tac [GSYM MAP_APPEND,bidir_App_Lam]
\\ irule bidir_App_Lam \\ fs []

val _ = export_theory ();

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