Add simple validation to your text fields for the following types:
- none: default
- email: Needs an @ and a TLD.
- email optional: as above but can also be empty
- password: requires at least 1 character, masked text.
- required: requires at least 1 character.
Add the following line to your header
#import "SDFTextField+Validation.h"
Set a textFieldValidationType property to the NSTextField from the TextFieldValidationType enum.
// Where self.textField is an NSTextField property on the class self.textField.textFieldValidationType = TextFieldValidationTypeEmail;
Set a placeholder string if required (not required if you have the text field linked up in the nib and the placeholder set there)
self.textField.placeholderString = @"Email";
Add NSTextFieldDelegate to the .h file.
Add the following to the .m file.
#pragma mark - Notification - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { NSTextField *textField = [notification object]; BOOL valid = [textField validate]; if (!valid) { // Do something on invalid entry if you want } }
It is at this point the fields will be highlighted based on the validation type you set.
- valid: This will check the current string of the text field against the validation type and return the result.
- reset: Reset the text field removing all validation background colouring.
Setting the colours is easy, just modify your colours as required. All take an NSColor as type.
- [NSTextField setBackgroundColour:colour];
- [NSTextField setValidBackgroundColour:colour];
- [NSTextField setInvalidBackgroundColour:colour];
- [NSTextField setPlaceholderFontColour:colour];
- [NSTextField setPlaceholderValidateFontColour:colour];
Each field has it's own default as specified below:
- kValidationTextFieldBackgroundColour = [NSColor whiteColor];
- kValidationTextFieldValidBackgroundColour = [NSColor greenColor];
- kValidationTextFieldInvalidBackgroundColour = [NSColor redColor];
- kValidationTextFieldPlaceholderValidateFontColour = [NSColor whiteColor];
- kValidationTextFieldPlaceholderFontColour = [NSColor grayColor];