Official repository for "Self-Distillation for Unsupervised 3D Domain Adaptation" [Accepted at WACV2023]
Adriano Cardace - Riccardo Spezialetti - Pierluigi Zama Ramirez - Samuele Salti - Luigi Di Stefano
We rely on several libraries: Pytorch-lightning, Weight & Biases, Hesiod
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate self_distillation
Reqeuest dataset access at
The dataset is the same provided by the original authours at For convenience we provide a preprocessed version used in this work. Then, load all the required dataset to the wandb server:
mkdir data
unzip -d data/
Please, set the variable in according to your wandb data, i.e. entity name and project name. You should create an experiment on wandb for each setting, for example "m2s" of "m2sc" ecc. Then, load only the required datasets for that experiment. In the provided script, we load "modelnet" and "scannet" to the "m2sc" project.
To train modelnet->scannet, set the entity file inside "" in the wandb.init function and execute the following commands:
# step1
python logs/m2sc/step1/run.yaml
# generate pseudo labels and load data to wandb
python modelnet scannet
# step 2
python logs/m2sc/step2/run.yaml
If you want to train on other settings you can rely on the run.yaml files stored in each folder experiment. For each experiment, we also release the checkpoints. Note that results might be sligthly different from the paper as we run again all experiments once before releasing the code.