In this repository are the markdown sources to the wiki on the CU Cyber website. Up-to-date builds of the wiki are available at
- make
- git
- rsync
- python3
- pandoc
- pandocfilters
- python3-watchdog (optional; for automatic rebuilding on presentation change)
$ sudo apt install make git rsync python3 pandoc python3-pandocfilters python3-watchdog
$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install make git rsync python34 pandoc
$ sudo pip3 install pandocfilters
$ sudo pip3 install watchdog
$ sudo dnf install make git rsync pandoc python3-pandocfilters python3-watchdog
$ sudo pacman -S make git rsync pandoc python-pandocfilters python-watchdog
$ sudo emerge dev-vcs/git dev-lang/python:3.4 app-text/pandoc dev-python/watchdog
$ sudo pip3 install pandocfilters
Requires Homebrew. Use gmake
instead of make
$ brew install make git rsync python3 pandoc
$ pip3 install pandocfilters
$ pip3 install watchdog
You must clone the website repository adjacent to the wiki repository with the name 'website' to use make serve
and make update
$ git clone website
$ git -C website checkout dev
$ git clone
To build the wiki into a hostable directory, edit the 'makefile' as desired and run make
. All of the necessary files that should be put on a web server will be created in the 'public' directory.
To build the wiki and host it on a temporary local server, edit the 'makefile' as desired and run make serve
. Open your web browser to 'http://localhost:8080/'.
To build the wiki and upload it to the website automatically, edit the 'makefile' as desired and for the website git repository location and run make update
. You must have push access to the repository at the specified directory.
To clean out any generated files, run make clean