SymfonyLogEvents is a Central Management entity CURD loggable tool. No Taint, no entity code injection, no any dependency injection and it support many-to-many loggable. It can log all registered entity's CURD logs use doctrine LifeCycle Events.
- This Symfony LogEvent, the code reference the knpLab's DoctrineBehaviors.
- This Symfony LogEvent auto logs times, timestampable, use Gedmo. You can change it into manual.
###How to use:###
Change OpLog.orm.yml, add your own entity fields.
Run doctrine command:
$ php app/console generate:doctrine:entity --entity=YourBundle:OpLog
Add a event services:
app.doctrine_brochure_listener: class: Ace\YourBundle\EventListener\LogEventListener arguments: ['@service_container' , '@security.token_storage' , '@service_container' ] tags: - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postUpdate } - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postPersist } - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: preRemove }
Modify LogEventListener.php, add your own fields and logic,
a. Modify $this->entityCollection, add your own class in LogEventListener.php:
$this->entityCollection = array( //YourBundle::class );
b. Modify OperationLogging mothed add your own entity fields in LogEventListener.php :
$array = [ "event" => $event , "ip" => $ip, "operatedBy" => $OperatedBy, "operatedAt" => $date, "element" => $element , ];
Finish and enjoy it.