- ROS2 Galactic
- Autoware.Universe (galatic branch)
- CARLA 0.9.13 (optional, for visual purposes only)
- Carla-Universe bridge [ref]
Run cd carla-universe-bridge
in the terminal.
Run colcon build
Run source install/setup.bash
Run ros2 launch custom_planner test_launch.xml
First launch the custom planner node by following the installation steps above, launch Autoware.Universe AV stack and the CARLA simulator (optional)
Run rqt_graph
in the terminal.
A secondary GUI will launch showing the custom planner node subscribed and publishing to the appropriate topics associated with Autoware.Universes planning stack. If you have CARLA running with the carla-ros-bridge/autoware.universe bridge [ref], then you can observe a demo functionality of the custom planner artificially drive the ego vehicle forward.