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A C++ library for integrating discretized functions.


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C++ library for numerical integration

libIntegrate is a collection of methods for numerical integration, including discretized data.


  • Integrate one and two dimensional discretized functions, with Riemann, Trapezoid, and Simpson rules.
  • Simple, clean, uniform interface. Integration methods are implemented as classes with operator()(...) methods.
  • Handles several common random access, continuous memory container interfacess (std::vector, Eigen::Vector, etc). Containers that provide element access with operator[](int) or operator()(int) and a method for getting the size (.size(), .length(), .rows(), etc) can be integrated.
  • Support for non-uniform discretization.
  • Apply lazy transformations to discrete data before integrating. Useful for computing weighted integrals.

Table of Contents


It is often necessary to integrate functions that have been discretized when doing physics simulations or working with experimental data. For example, we might use a finite-difference method to solve Schrodinger's equation and compute the time-evolution of a wavefunction describing some system. If we then want to compute probabilities, we will need to integrate the wavefunction (actually, we will need to integrate the modulus squared of the wavefunction). Or, we might have a measured spectrum for a broadband source that we need to integrate to compute the total power emitted. In either case, we will have a discrete set of points to use for the integration.

Most libraries for numerical integration provide routines for integrating functions that can be evaluated, not for functions that have already been discretized, and are therefore not suitable for this. This library provides methods that are.

If the function you need to integrate is already discretized, there are not many options to choose from. There is the Riemann sum, the Trapezoid rule, and perhaps Simpson's rule. Each of these methods basically interpolate the function over some interval and use the integral of the interpolating function to estimate the integral of the data. Riemann sum uses a constant (zero'th order polynomial), the Trapezoid rule uses a linear function (first order polynomial), and the 1/3 Simpson's rule uses a quadratic (second degree polynomial). Higher-order interpolating functions are of course possible, but may not be appropriate, just as fitting high order polynomials to data sets is usually not appropriate.

Quickly writing a Riemann sum loop to compute the integral of some discretized function is pretty easy. Writing the Trapezoid rule isn't difficult either, but you need to be careful not to index out of range at the end of the loop. Simpson's rule is simple enough for uniform data, but again requires care at the end of the loop. For non-uniform data, it is a bit more involved. I noticed that, when needing to integrate some discretized function, I would often just use a Riemann sum and say to myself "I'll come back and use a better method after I get this working", but then wouldn't. So this library was created to make using "better" methods on discretized data easy.

While this library does provide methods for integrating functions that can be evaluated too, they are not nearly as as sophisticated (actually, not very sophisticated at all), or complete (actually, not very complete at all), as the Gnu Scientific Library (, Numerical Recipes (, QUADPACK (, or Boost ( If you need to integrate a known function with some requirement on accuracy, you should use one of these libraries instead.

If you need to integrate discretized data and occasionally some simple functions that can be evaluated, this library may be for you. It is released under a permissive license, so you are free to do whatever you want with it.

Methods currently implemented include:

  • 1D
    • Discretized Functions
      • Riemann sum (the one that every undergrad physics major writes)
      • Trapezoid rule
      • Simpson's rule (1/3)
    • Callable Functions
      • Riemann sum
      • Trapezoid rule
      • Simpson's rule (1/3)
      • Gauss-Legendre Quadrature of order 8, 16, 32, and 64.
  • 2D
    • Discretized Functions
      • Riemann sum
      • Trapezoid rule
      • Simpson's rule (1/3)
    • Callable Functions
      • Riemann sum
      • Trapezoid rule
      • Simpson's rule (1/3)
      • Gauss-Legendre Quadrature of order 8, 16, 32, and 64.

Note that the library depends on Boost, and does provide some (incomplete) wrappers to the Boost.Math quadrature functions.

  • 1D
    • Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature (arbitrary order)



libIntegrate is a header-only library that uses CMake for building unit tests and installing. To install the library, clone this and checkout the latest release, or download one of the release tarballs. Then,

$ cd libIntegrate
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --target install

Conan packages are also provided. To install the library with conan, add the remote and include libintegrate/VERSION@cd3/devel to you conanfile.txt or

$ conan remote add cd3
$ conan search -r cd3 # list all packages


There are two basic types of numerical integration. In the first case, the value of the function to be integrated can be calculated for any argument value. In the second case, the value of the function to be integrated is only know at some discrete set of argument values. Most numerical integration libraries handle the first case, and there many different methods for handling a wide variety of conditions, including integrating over infinite or semi-infinite bounds. Typically, the user should know something about the function to be integrated and carefully select the best method to use.

Any method that can handle the second case can be used to handle the first case as well by first discrediting the function to be integrated. Methods that can only handle the first case (for example, Gauss-Legendre Quadrature requires the function to be evaluated at specific argument values) can be used on discretized functions, but require the discretized function to be interpolated to the argument values required by the method first. The libInterpolate library is useful for this.


Discretized Functions

In the simplest case, you have a discretized function with the argument and function values stored in two vectors.

std::vector<double> x(100), f(100);
double dx = M_PI/(x.size()-1);
for(int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
  x[i] = i*dx;
  f[i] = sin(x[i]);

To integrate the function, create an integrator object and call it on the discretized function.

#include <libIntegrate/Integrate.hpp>

_1D::RiemannRule<double> integrage;

double I = integrate(x,f); // I \approx 2

Note: Discretized functions must be sorted with respect to the independent variable (x in this example).

Each method is implemented in a class. To use a different method, instantiate the corresponding class.

_1D::TrapezoidRule<double> trap_integrage;
_1D::SimpsonRule<double> simp_integrage;

Now, in practice, you would not need to manually discretize a function that can be evaluated. All of the methods support integrating a callable with a specified number of intervals. The example above is equivalent to

#include <libIntegrate/Integrate.hpp>

_1D::RiemannRule<double> integrage;

double I = integrate([](double x){return sin(x);}, 0, M_PI, 99);

However, when the discretized function is computed by solving a differential equation, or is data that was measured in an experiment, the discretized integration is required.

Two-dimensional discretized functions can also be integrated. The 2D integrators that support discretized functions take the arguments. The first two are 1D containers of the x and y coordinates, the third is a 2D container of the function values. For example:

  _2D::TrapezoidRule<double> integrate;
  double                     I;

  // create a discretized version of sin(x)*sin(y) to integrate.
  // probably not the best way to create an initialize the function...
  std::vector<double>              x(100), y(200);
  std::vector<std::vector<double>> f(100);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
      x[i] = i * (M_PI / 2) / (x.size() - 1);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < y.size(); i++) {
      y[i] = i * (M_PI / 2) / (y.size() - 1);

  for(size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) {
      f[i] = std::vector<double>(200);
      for(size_t j = 0; j < f[i].size(); j++) {
        f[i][j] = sin(x[i]) * sin(y[j]);

  // now integrate
  I = integrate(x, y, f);

We could also use more efficient 2D container here, like an Eigen matrix. Any container that we can access the elements of with either f(i,j) or f[i][j] will work.

Callable Functions

As mentioned in the description, some basic methods for integrating functions that can be evaluated are provided. These methods take a callable, the limits of integration, and the number of intervals to use. For example, to integrate a function using Simposon's Rule:

#include <libIntegrate/_1D/SimpsonRule.hpp>

// define the function to integrate
double linear_func(double x)
  return 2*x + 3;


// create an integrator
// the template argument specifies the data type that will be used
_1D::SimpsonRule<double> integrate;

// integrate the function over the range [2:5] using 10 evaluation points
double I = integrate( linear_func, 2., 5., 10 );
CHECK( I == Approx( 5*5+5*3 - 2*2 - 2*3 ) );

// we can also use lambdas
I = integrate([](double x){return 2*x + 3;},2.,5.,10);
CHECK( I == Approx( 5*5+5*3 - 2*2 - 2*3 ) );

The first argument can be any callable (including a lambda) that takes one argument. Note that not all methods support specifying the number of intervals. The Gauss-Legendre methods for example evaluate the function at a set number of points, given by the order of the method. In this case, the last argument is dropped.

#include <libIntegrate/_1D/GaussianQuadratures/GaussLegendre.hpp>


_1D::GQ::GaussLegendreQuadrature<double,8> integrate;

auto f  = [&N](double x) { return 1 + x + x*x + x*x*x; }
CHECK( integrate( f, 0., 1. )  == Approx( 1 + 1/2. + 1/3. + 1/4. - 1 ) );

Weighted Integrals

Sometimes it's necessary to multiply a function by some weighting function before integrating. For example, when integrating a function in polar coordinates, or computing an expectation value from a probability distribution. Lambda functions can be used for this with both discretized and callable functions.

For discretized functions, the lambda should take an integral argument (the library actually requires the argument to be an integer type and will generate a compiler error if it is not), and return the weighted integrand for each element of the function.

#include <libIntegrate/_1D/RiemannRule.hpp>

int N = 200;
std::vector<double> x(N), rho(N);
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
  x[i] = i*10./(N-1);
  rho[i] = 2*exp(-2*x[i]);

_1D::RiemannRule<double> integrate;

CHECK(integrate(x,rho) == Approx(1).epsilon(0.1));
auto f1 = [&x, &rho](int i){return x[i]*rho[i];};
CHECK(integrate(x,f1) == Approx(1./2).epsilon(0.01));
auto f3 = [&x, &rho](int i){return (x[i]-0.5)*(x[i]-0.5)*rho[i];};
CHECK(integrate(x,f3) == Approx(1./4).epsilon(0.1));

For callable functions, the lambda take the function argument should return the weighted integrand.

#include <libIntegrate/_1D/GaussianQuadratures/GaussLegendre.hpp>

// exponential probability distribution with mean free path of 1/2
double probability_density(double x)
  double mu = 2;
  return mu*exp(-mu*x);


_1D::GQ::GaussLegendreQuadrature<double,16> integrate;

// total probability should be one
CHECK(integrate(probability_density, 0, 10) == Approx(1));
// expected value (first moment) should be 1/2
CHECK(integrate([](double x){ return x*probability_density(x);}, 0, 10) == Approx(1./2));
// second moment should be 1/2
CHECK(integrate([](double x){ return x*x*probability_density(x);}, 0, 10) == Approx(1./4));
// variance should be 1/4
CHECK(integrate([](double x){ return (x-1./2)*(x-1./2)*probability_density(x);}, 0, 10) == Approx(1./4));

Implemented Methods

1D Riemann's Rule

namespace _1D {
template<typename T>
class RiemannRule
    // This version will integrate a callable between two points
    template<typename F>
    T operator()( F f, T a, T b, size_t N ) const;

    // This version will integrate a set of discrete points
    // with the x and y values stored in separate containers.
    template<typename X, typename Y>
    T operator()( const X &x, const Y &y ) const;

    // This version will integrate a set of uniformly discrete points
    template<typename Y>
    T operator()( const Y &y, T dx ) const;

1D Trapezoid Rule

namespace _1D {
template<typename T>
class TrapezoidRule
    template<typename F>
    T operator()( F f, T a, T b, size_t N ) const;

    template<typename X, typename Y>
    T operator()( const X &x, const Y &y ) const;

    template<typename Y>
    T operator()( const Y &y, T dx ) const;

1D Simpson's Rule

namespace _1D {
template<typename T>
class SimpsonRule
    template<typename F>
    T operator()( F f, T a, T b, size_t N ) const;

    template<typename X, typename Y>
    T operator()( const X &x, const Y &y ) const;

    template<typename Y>
    T operator()( const Y &y, T dx ) const;

1D Gaussian-Legandre Quadrature

namespace _1D {
namespace GQ {

template<typename T, size_t Order> // Order = 8, 16, 32, or 64
class GaussLegendreQuadrature
    template<typename F>
    T operator()( F f, T a, T b ) const;
    // Integrating a set of discrete points is not supported

1D Gaussian-Kronrod Quadrature

The library also provides wrappers for some of the Boost.Math Quadrature routines. The Boost routines are implemented as free functions. These wrappers simply provide an object-oriented interface.

namespace _1D {
namespace Boost {
   * A wrapper around the Boost.Math gauss_kronrob function
template<typename T>
class GaussKronrodQuadrature{
    template<typename F, typename X>
    auto operator()(F f, X a, X b, unsigned max_depth, T tol, T* error, T* pL1) const -> T

    template<typename F, typename X>
    auto operator()(F f, X a, X b) const -> T


2D Riemann's Rule

namespace _2D {
template<typename T>
class RiemannRule
    // This version will integrate a callable between two points
    template<typename F, typename X>
    T operator()( F f, T xa, T xb, size_t xN, T ya, Ty yb, size_t yN) const;

    // This version will integrate a set of discrete points
    // with the x and y values stored in separate containers.
    template<typename X, typename Y, typename F>
    T operator()( const X &x, const Y &y, const F &f ) const;

2D Trapezoid Rule

namespace _2D {
template<typename T>
class TrapezoidRule
    template<typename F, typename X>
    T operator()( F f, T xa, T xb, size_t xN, T ya, Ty yb, size_t yN) const;

    template<typename X, typename Y, typename F>
    T operator()( const X &x, const Y &y, const F &f ) const;

2D Simpson's Rule

namespace _2D {
template<typename T>
class SimpsonRule
    template<typename F, typename X>
    T operator()( F f, T xa, T xb, size_t xN, T ya, Ty yb, size_t yN) const;

    template<typename X, typename Y, typename F>
    T operator()( const X &x, const Y &y, const F &f ) const;

2D Gaussian-Legandre Quadrature

namespace _2D {
namespace GQ {

template<typename T, size_t Order> // Order = 8, 16, 32, or 64
class GaussLegendreQuadrature
    // This version will integrate a callable between two points
    template<typename F>
    T operator()( F f, T xa, T xb, T ya, T yb ) const;


A C++ library for integrating discretized functions.







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