CCVPN is all the software we use at CCrypto to provide our VPN.
It is made of a Pyramid web app you can see live at including an API, and OpenVPN config/scripts that checks user accounts and passwords with the API.
CCrypto's commercial support does not include this product. However, feel free to contact us and ask if you are having troubles running ccvpn, but without any guarantee.
git clone
cd ccvpn/
pyvenv ccvpn_env
source ./ccvpn_env/bin/activate
./ develop
# Prepare the database
initialize_ccvpn_db development.ini
# Run the dev web server
pserve development.ini
The default "admin" account has the password "admin".
# Generate a secret token for your OpenVPN server
ccvpn_apiacl ./development.ini add localhost
cd openvpn/
# You can copy and customize, or use this script:
# run it renders config files to config/ for each profile
# On a standard GNU/Linux distribution, OpenVPN config files are stored in
# /etc/openvpn. Copy them or make links:
ln -s $(pwd)/config/alpha.conf /etc/openvpn/ccvpn-alpha.conf
ln -s $(pwd)/config/beta.conf /etc/openvpn/ccvpn-beta.conf
# On Debian/Ubuntu:
service openvpn start ccvpn-alpha
service openvpn start ccvpn-beta
You will need to run a script regularly to check for verified transaction. With this app installed in /home/vpn/ccvpn/, add this in your crontab:
*/5 * * * * /home/vpn/ccvpn/ /home/vpn/ccvpn/development.ini