Sahul-wide human population growth estimates from temporal distribution of archaeological dates between 40 ka and 5 ka
This R code recalculates Sahul-wide human population growth using a resampling approach (values originally presented in Williams, A.N., 2013. A new population curve for prehistoric Australia. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 280, 20130486).
This code accompanies the main analysis from this repository
- calibrate raw radiocarbon dates to calendar year using the
package (using the shcal20 calibration curve for non-marine dates, and the marine20 calibration curve for marine dates (e.g., marine shells) - bin calibrated dates into 200-year interval bins (iteratively, sampling from calibrated range per date)
- apply smoothing spline (df = 25) to number of dates per bin (iteratively)
- apply taphonomic correction (i.e., number of dates necessarily declines with age because of taphonomic loss - mean correction data from: Williams, A.N., 2012. The use of summed radiocarbon probability distributions in archaeology: a review of methods. J. Archaeol. Sci. 39, 578-589)
- calculate Williams' (2013) mean annual population growth (GRann) and instantaneous rate of exponential growth (r) for each resampled, corrected series:
GRann = 0.5(ni-1-ni)/ni
r = log(ni/ni-1)
where ni = number of dates in the older bin, ni-1 = number of dates in the younger bin
- correlate GRann & r for each iteration
- calculate 95% confidence interval of correlation
- plot reconstructed population growth curves per temporal bin (± 95% confidence limits)
- plot taphonomically corrected number of dates per temporal bin ((± 95% confidence limits)