Notes --> followed OOP in building this game we've different classes where each of them represents --buildings --kings --canons --barbarian --archers --balloons etc --> here few classes are inherited from parent classes example: hut class is inherited from building class, king is child class of person (parent class) etc
-->each of classes have different methods and constructors for example:
def init(self):
this is constructor for person's class Encapsulation: it is a way where we bundle data and methods together. we've bundled attributes and methods in a class. so, we've used encapsulation
Polymorphism it is about having different interfaces for same function. for example if we want to calculate addition of 2 numbers. now we can write different functions with same name where one of it taes integers, other takes decimals etc.
Execution run python3
enter 'K' for choosing king and 'Q' for choosing queen
use -A for moving king to left
-D -->move king to right
-S -->move king down
-W --> move king up
spacebar -->to attack huts/townhalls
G,P,I--> create barbarian
J,K,L---> creates balloons
M,N,O-->creates archers
-Q-->quit game