This an eclipse project containing all the files necessary to begin developing games with Slick 2D. You can fork this repository, clone it on your disk and start to work in Eclipse.
After having cloned the repository to your disk you have to follow these few steps:
- Open up Eclipse.
- Create a new java project and select the folder containing this seed.
- Go to Project --> Properties in the menu bar.
- Click on Java Build Path.
- click the Add Jar button.
- Select the lib folder in your project.
- Select all the .jar files and click OK.
- Expand lwjgl.jar.
- Select Natives Library Location and click the Edit button.
- Click the Workspace button.
- Select the native folder in your project
- Select your operating system and click OK until you get back to the default eclipse window.
- Press play to check it it works.
- Now, you can start making your own game.