My project for African Market Place Backend for Build Week Unit 4. I created this project due to some unresolved conflicts in the code of the collaborated project files.
🏠 Homepage
npm install
npm run server
npm run start
npm run test
POST - new user - base-url/api/auth/register
For registration:
"username": "testusername",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
POST - login user - base-url/api/auth/login
"username": "testusername",
"password": "password"
GET - specific user - base-url/api/users/:id
PUT - update specific user - base-url/api/users/:id
DELETE - delete specific user - base-url/api/users/:id
GET - all products - base-url/api/users/:id/products
GET - specific product - base-url/api/products/:id
PUT - update specific product - base-url/api/products/:id
DELETE - delete specific product - base-url/api/products/:id
POST - add new category- base-url/api/categories
"id": 1,
"category_name": "Test Category"
GET - all categories - base-url/api/categories
"id": 1,
"category_name": "Animal Products - Livestock"
GET - specific category - base-url/api/categories/:id
PUT - update specific category - base-url/api/categories/:id
DELETE - delete specific category - base-url/api/categories/:id
👤 Britney Parkerson
- Github: @Build-Week-AfricanMarketPlace1
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Copyright © 2020 Britney Parkerson.
This project is ISC licensed.