Yet another spawn promise. (Zero dependency!)
- Promisified child_process.spawn, with more options
- stdout/stderr to console by default.
- Route stdout or stderr to file.
- Can run spawn as detached (promise will return with handle)
- Typescript definitions
- Require node.js > 8.0 (if you need more support, log ticket)
- Warning: From 0.4.0 needs to be imported as
{ spawn }
import { spawn } from 'p-spawn'
// or `const {spawn } from 'p-spawn'
await spawn(cmd, args, opts); // return Promise
const { spawn } = require("p-spawn");
async function test(){
// will console log the stdout and stderr
await spawn("echo", ["hello world"]);
// will not console log the stdout but rather to forward in onStdout
var txt = [];
await spawn("echo", ["hello world"], {
onStdout: (data) => {
// we an pass spawn options as well
await spawn("pwd", {
cwd: "./test",
onStdout: (data) => {
// we an pass spawn options as well
var result = await spawn("echo",["hello world"], {capture: "stdout"});
console.log(result.stdout); // "hello world"