Two experiments are conducted
- CNN on MNIST dataset
- ResNet18 on CIFAR10 dataset
python = 3.6.5
pytorch = 1.0.0
- Command for CNN on MINIST dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset mnist --iid --num_channels 1 --model cnn --num_users 100 --epochs 300 --lr 0.0001 --frac 1.0 --local_ep 1 --momentum 0.0 --local_bs 50 --bs 50
- Command for ResNet18 on Cifar10 dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python --dataset cifar --iid --num_channels 3 --model resnet18 --num_users 100 --snr 10 --epochs 300 --lr 0.001 --frac 1.0 --local_ep 1 --momentum 0.0 --local_bs 512 --bs 512 --lr-scheduler --mode NP_CSI --thd 2.8 --delta 0.01
The output of the experiment is a .log file including all the training results, e.g. training loss and test accuracy;
The configurable parameters in the code are defined in the file "".