Git Sha# to Build Number <sha#>
An example to get the current head as a build number `git rev-parse HEAD`
This is useful for create a process.env.BUILD_VERSION during a build by calling the script to get the currrent build value. Alternatively if the build has the sha# already it can just be used directly.
Build Number to Git Sha# <build number>
This is where the real magic happens, it takes the build number and calculates where the actual sha# is relative to current head. It does this by using the difference and skips accordingly
The return value is a git sha# which can then be used to look up the version that is referenced by the build. additionally, the value returned is also already on the clipboard if on MAC (I should probably do win64 and linux versions)
Author: Andi Smithers, The Walt Disney Company Created: Dec 2012 open sourced for free use under the MIT license, but please keep the author information within the files