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Merge pull request #116 from Bodigrim/gaussian
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Speed up factorisation of Gaussian primes
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Bodigrim authored Aug 6, 2018
2 parents 3b1790d + d17cd95 commit ab8603c
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Showing 9 changed files with 244 additions and 83 deletions.
156 changes: 102 additions & 54 deletions Math/NumberTheory/GaussianIntegers.hs
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Expand Up @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.GaussianIntegers (
Expand All @@ -30,13 +29,18 @@ module Math.NumberTheory.GaussianIntegers (
) where

import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import GHC.Generics

import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Moduli as Moduli
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Sqrt (FieldCharacteristic(..))
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Powers as Powers
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers (integerSquareRoot)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Types (PrimeNat(..))
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation as Factorisation
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Sieve as Sieve
Expand All @@ -46,7 +50,8 @@ import Math.NumberTheory.Utils.FromIntegral (integerToNatural)
infix 6 :+
infixr 8 .^
-- |A Gaussian integer is a+bi, where a and b are both integers.
data GaussianInteger = (:+) { real :: !Integer, imag :: !Integer } deriving (Eq)
data GaussianInteger = (:+) { real :: !Integer, imag :: !Integer }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)

-- |The imaginary unit, where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ primes = [ g
if p == 2
then [1 :+ 1]
else let x :+ y = findPrime' p
else let x :+ y = findPrime p
in [x :+ y, y :+ x]

Expand All @@ -155,15 +160,25 @@ gcdG' g h
| h == 0 = g --done recursing
| otherwise = gcdG' h (abs (g `modG` h))

-- |Find a Gaussian integer whose norm is the given prime number.
-- |Find a Gaussian integer whose norm is the given prime number
-- of form 4k + 1 using
-- < Hermite-Serret algorithm>.
findPrime :: Integer -> GaussianInteger
findPrime p = case Moduli.sqrtModMaybe (-1) (FieldCharacteristic (PrimeNat . integerToNatural $ p) 1) of
Nothing -> error "findPrime: an argument must be prime p = 4k + 1"
Just z -> go p z -- Effectively we calculate gcdG' (p :+ 0) (z :+ 1)
sqrtp :: Integer
sqrtp = integerSquareRoot p

go :: Integer -> Integer -> GaussianInteger
go g h
| g <= sqrtp = g :+ h
| otherwise = go h (g `mod` h)

findPrime' :: Integer -> GaussianInteger
findPrime' p =
let (Just c) = Moduli.sqrtModMaybe (-1) (FieldCharacteristic (PrimeNat . integerToNatural $ p) 1)
k = Powers.integerSquareRoot p
bs = [1 .. k]
asbs = map (\b' -> ((b' * c) `mod` p, b')) bs
(a, b) = head [ (a', b') | (a', b') <- asbs, a' <= k]
in a :+ b
findPrime' = findPrime
{-# DEPRECATED findPrime' "Use 'findPrime' instead." #-}

-- |Raise a Gaussian integer to a given power.
(.^) :: (Integral a) => GaussianInteger -> a -> GaussianInteger
Expand All @@ -181,50 +196,83 @@ a .^ e
| otherwise = a * a .^ (e - 1)
s = a .^ div e 2
{-# DEPRECATED (.^) "Use (^) instead." #-}

-- |Compute the prime factorisation of a Gaussian integer. This is unique up to units (+/- 1, +/- i).
-- Unit factors are not included in the result.
factorise :: GaussianInteger -> [(GaussianInteger, Int)]
factorise g = helper (Factorisation.factorise $ norm g) g
factorise g = concat $ snd $ mapAccumL go g (Factorisation.factorise $ norm g)
helper [] _ = []
helper ((!p, !e) : pt) g' =
-- For a given prime factor p of the magnitude squared...
let (!g'', !facs) = if p `mod` 4 == 3
-- if the p is congruent to 3 (mod 4), then g' is divisible by
-- p^(e/2).
let pow = div e 2
gp = fromInteger p
in (g' `divG` (gp .^ pow), [(gp, pow)])
-- otherwise: find a Gaussian prime gp for which `norm gp ==
-- p`. Then do trial divisions to find out how many times g' is
-- divisible by gp or its conjugate.
let gp = findPrime' p
in trialDivide g' [gp, abs $ conjugate gp]
in facs ++ helper pt g''

-- Divide a Gaussian integer by a set of (relatively prime) Gaussian integers,
-- as many times as possible, and return the final quotient as well as a count
-- of how many times each factor divided the original.
trialDivide :: GaussianInteger -> [GaussianInteger] -> (GaussianInteger, [(GaussianInteger, Int)])
trialDivide = helper []
go :: GaussianInteger -> (Integer, Int) -> (GaussianInteger, [(GaussianInteger, Int)])
go z (2, e) = (divideByTwo z, [(1 :+ 1, e)])
go z (p, e)
| p `mod` 4 == 3
= let e' = e `quot` 2 in (z `quotI` (p ^ e'), [(p :+ 0, e')])
| otherwise
= (z', filter ((> 0) . snd) [(gp, k), (gp', k')])
gp = findPrime p
(k, k', z') = divideByPrime gp p e z
gp' = abs (conjugate gp)

-- | Remove all (1:+1) factors from the argument,
-- avoiding complex division.
divideByTwo :: GaussianInteger -> GaussianInteger
divideByTwo z@(x :+ y)
| even x, even y
= divideByTwo $ z `quotI` 2
| odd x, odd y
= (x - y) `quot` 2 :+ (x + y) `quot` 2
| otherwise
= z

-- | Remove p and conj p factors from the argument,
-- avoiding complex division.
:: GaussianInteger -- ^ Gaussian prime p
-> Integer -- ^ Precomputed norm of p, of form 4k + 1
-> Int -- ^ Expected number of factors (either p or conj p)
-- in Gaussian integer z
-> GaussianInteger -- ^ Gaussian integer z
-> ( Int -- ^ Multiplicity of factor p in z
, Int -- ^ Multiplicity of factor conj p in z
, GaussianInteger -- ^ Remaining Gaussian integer
divideByPrime p np k = go k 0
helper fs g [] = (g, fs)
helper fs g (pf : pft)
| g `modG` pf == 0 =
let (cnt, g') = countEvenDivisions g pf
in helper ((pf, cnt) : fs) g' pft
| otherwise = helper fs g pft

-- Divide a Gaussian integer by a possible factor, and return how many times
-- the factor divided it evenly, as well as the result of dividing the original
-- that many times.
countEvenDivisions :: GaussianInteger -> GaussianInteger -> (Int, GaussianInteger)
countEvenDivisions g pf = helper g 0
go :: Int -> Int -> GaussianInteger -> (Int, Int, GaussianInteger)
go 0 d z = (d, d, z)
go c d z
| c >= 2
, Just z' <- z `quotEvenI` np
= go (c - 2) (d + 1) z'
go c d z = (d + d1, d + d2, z'')
(d1, z') = go1 c 0 z
d2 = c - d1
z'' = head $ drop d2
$ iterate (\g -> fromMaybe err $ (g * p) `quotEvenI` np) z'

go1 :: Int -> Int -> GaussianInteger -> (Int, GaussianInteger)
go1 0 d z = (d, z)
go1 c d z
| Just z' <- (z * conjugate p) `quotEvenI` np
= go1 (c - 1) (d + 1) z'
| otherwise
= (d, z)

err = error $ "divideByPrime: malformed arguments" ++ show (p, np, k)

quotI :: GaussianInteger -> Integer -> GaussianInteger
quotI (x :+ y) n = (x `quot` n :+ y `quot` n)

quotEvenI :: GaussianInteger -> Integer -> Maybe GaussianInteger
quotEvenI (x :+ y) n
| xr == 0
, yr == 0
= Just (xq :+ yq)
| otherwise
= Nothing
helper :: GaussianInteger -> Int -> (Int, GaussianInteger)
helper g' acc
| g' `modG` pf == 0 = helper (g' `divG` pf) (1 + acc)
| otherwise = (acc, g')
(xq, xr) = x `quotRem` n
(yq, yr) = y `quotRem` n
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Math/NumberTheory/Moduli/Sqrt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,8 +139,20 @@ sqrtModP' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
sqrtModP' square prime
| prime == 2 = square
| rem4 prime == 3 = powModInteger square ((prime + 1) `quot` 4) prime
| square `mod` prime == prime - 1
= sqrtOfMinusOne prime
| otherwise = tonelliShanks square prime

-- | p must be of form 4k + 1
sqrtOfMinusOne :: Integer -> Integer
sqrtOfMinusOne p
= head
$ filter (\n -> n /= 1 && n /= p - 1)
$ map (\n -> powModInteger n k p)
k = (p - 1) `quot` 4

-- | @tonelliShanks square prime@ calculates a square root of @square@
-- modulo @prime@, where @prime@ is a prime of the form @4*k + 1@ and
-- @square@ is a positive quadratic residue modulo @prime@, using the
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions arithmoi.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ benchmark criterion
Expand All @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ benchmark criterion
semigroups >=0.8
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions benchmark/Bench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Main where
import Gauge.Main

import Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctionsBench as ArithmeticFunctions
import Math.NumberTheory.GaussianIntegersBench as Gaussian
import Math.NumberTheory.GCDBench as GCD
import Math.NumberTheory.JacobiBench as Jacobi
import Math.NumberTheory.MertensBench as Mertens
Expand All @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import Math.NumberTheory.SmoothNumbersBench as SmoothNumbers

main = defaultMain
[ ArithmeticFunctions.benchSuite
, Gaussian.benchSuite
, GCD.benchSuite
, Jacobi.benchSuite
, Mertens.benchSuite
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions benchmark/Math/NumberTheory/GaussianIntegersBench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.GaussianIntegersBench
( benchSuite
) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Gauge.Main

import Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions (tau)
import Math.NumberTheory.GaussianIntegers

instance NFData GaussianInteger

benchFindPrime :: Integer -> Benchmark
benchFindPrime n = bench (show n) $ nf findPrime n

benchTau :: Integer -> Benchmark
benchTau n = bench (show n) $ nf (\m -> sum [tau (x :+ y) | x <- [1..m], y <- [0..m]] :: Word) n

benchSuite :: Benchmark
benchSuite = bgroup "Gaussian"
[ bgroup "findPrime" $ map benchFindPrime [1000033, 10000121, 100000037, 1000000009, 10000000033, 100000000057, 1000000000061, 10000000000037]
, bgroup "tau" $ map benchTau [10, 20, 40, 80]
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions benchmark/Math/NumberTheory/RecurrenciesBench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ benchPartition n = bgroup "partition"
, benchAt (n * 100)
benchAt m = bench ("!!" ++ show m) $ nf (\n -> partition !! n :: Integer) m
benchAt m = bench ("!!" ++ show m) $ nf (\k -> partition !! k :: Integer) m

benchSuite :: Benchmark
benchSuite = bgroup "Recurrencies"
Expand All @@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ benchSuite = bgroup "Recurrencies"
[ benchPartition 1000

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