Patch for Synfig 1.4.0 AppImage
Solves Fontconfig errors + removes unneeded locale
Don't wait for a new version of Synfig, it takes 2 minutes ^_^
sudo required for mounting the appimage for extraction
- Automatic downloads from GitHub official repositories of AppImageKit and Synfig
- Unpack the appimage
- Patch internal Fontconfig configuration and the Launcher
- Remove unneeded locale (be aware that by default only "en" is kept, remove your language from the list)
- Repack the AppImage (it is even compressed ^_^)
- Clean before to quit
- Create a directory or clone this "huge" repo
- Make the script executable
- Edit the config part if needed (Archi 32/64, Name of the produced file, Locales to delete...)
- If you already have SynfigStudio on your machine, place it in the folder, it will avoid to download it again :)
- Launch the script from the command line:
(if already executable)
bash ./
(if you don't like chmod) - I would like to say "Prepare a ☕" but you will not have the time
Have fun with Synfig, stay inside, wear a 😷 and take care :)