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This is a sample application deploy to Kubernetes. It's a good first application as it has no other components, but it is simple and can be easily modified.

Configuring Kubernetes to host this particular container will teach you the following:

GitHub Action and Docker Repository

The Docker Container is built using a GitHub action and it is pushed to Docker Hub. Both a Linux/x86 and Linux/arm64 image are built.

You can find the docker repository here:

Forking this repo

Feel free to fork the repo for your own K8s testing and learning. A few quick notes:

  • The primary build is found in .github/workflows/build.yml
  • The DockerFile is found in .src/RandomQuotes.Web - it injects the version from the build into the container itself.
  • All the Kubernetes items are found in the k8s folder.
    • Base - contains all the basic configuration.
    • Overlays - Kustomize overlays, one for each environment.
    • Charts - The Helm chart.
    • Provision - The core manifest files used to provision a new cluster.

If you fork this repo you will need to set the following repo secrets:

  • DOCKERHUB_PAT_USERNAME - your username
  • DOCKERHUB_PAT - the PAT of your user
  • DOCKERHUB_REPO - the docker hub repo to store the container - this really isn't a secret, but I made it one so you wouldn't have to modify the build


The docker image, manifest files, and variables will be provided to you.

1. Install K8s

Install ONE of the following on a VM or locally!

2. Configure K8s

Open up a command prompt or terminal. Change the current directory in the terminal to the k8s/provision folder in this repo.

  • Run the following commands:
    • Create all the namespaces: kubectl apply -f namespaces.yaml
    • Install the NGINX Ingress Controller: kubectl apply -f

Important: For this activity we are using Ingress instead of the newer Gateway API. The core concepts are the same, but ingress is more simplistic and easier to learn.

3. Configure your hosts file.

Go to your hosts file (if on Windows) and add the following entries. The nginx ingress controller uses host headers for all routing. Doing this will allow you to easily access the application running on your k8s cluster.       randomquotes.local       randomquotesdev.local       randomquotestest.local       randomquotesstaging.local       randomquotesprod.local       argocd.local

Learning Sessions

If you are looking to Learn K8s, here are some lessons to perform using this repo.

1. First Activity - Basic Deployment

In the first activity we will do a standard manifest file deployment to the default namespace in kubernetes using kubectl apply.

The goal of this activity is to expose you to a simple manifest file and what the experience is like for a bare-bones, no automation experience.

These instructions will deploy the following to the default namespace.

  • Secret
  • Deployment (Image)
  • ClusterIP Service
  • Gateway Listener
  • HTTP Route

To perform the deployment do the following:

  • Go to and find the latest version tag (0.1.3 for example). Update the image entry in the randomquotes-deployment.yaml file.
  • Open up a command prompt or terminal. Change the current directory in the terminal to the k8s/base folder in this repo.
  • Run kubectl apply -f randomquotes-secrets.yaml
  • Run kubectl apply -f randomquotes-deployment.yaml

Important: The secret must be in a separate file because later activities we will use kustomize, which will manage the secret for us. If you were only using manifest files, I'd recommend combining the two.

It might take a moment for the deployment to finish. I like to check the status of the pods. Run kubectl get pods until the randomquotes pod shows up as healthy.

Once the deployment is finished go to http://randomquotes.local.

2. Second Activity - Leveraging Kustomize

In the second activity we will deploy to each of the environment namespaces using kustomize and overlays.

In the previous activity we deployed to the default namespace. In the real-world, we'd want to do some environmental progression and testing before pushing up to production. Rather than have a manifest file per environment, we will have a kustomize overlay per environment. The following items are changed with each kustomize file:

  • The image version
  • The secret value
  • The http route

If we were using ArgoCD or some other similar tool we could use these kustomize overlays with no additional configuration changes.

We are going to deploy to all four namespaces. The instructions are the same, so repeat the following for each environment.

  • Go to and find the latest version tag (0.1.3 for example). Go to k8s/overlays/[environment]/kustomization.yaml file. Update the newtag entry with the latest version.
  • Open up a command prompt or terminal. Change the current directory in the terminal to the k8s/overlays/[environment]/ folder in this repo.
  • Run kubectl apply -k ./
  • To check the pods run kubectl get pods -n [environment namespace name]
  • Once the deployment is over go to http://randomquotes[environment name].local
  • Assuming everything is working, repeat the following steps for each environment.

3. Third Activity - ArgoCD

This will install ArgoCD on your cluster and configure an application to deploy.

  • Install ArgoCD

    • Run kubectl create namespace argocd
    • Run kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  • To access ArgoCD UI

    • Run kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
      • Important The port forwarding will only work while that window is open.
      • If you want to, you can mess with ingress rules, but this is the quick and dirty approach to getting going.
    • To login
      • URL is https://argocd.local
      • You will likely get a cert error, go ahead and proceed
      • Username is admin
      • Run kubectl get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' --namespace argocd to get the password.
      • Please note it is base64, which you will need to decode. You can do that via an online editor, or PowerShell [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("blahblahblah"))
  • Configure first application

    • Click the New App button
    • Application Name: randomquotes-dev
    • Project Name: default
    • Repository URL:
    • Paths: k8s/overlays/dev
    • Cluster Url: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    • Namespace: development
    • Click the Create button
    • Click the Sync button
    • Go to randomquotesdev.local to verify it is running
  • Repeat the above section for test, staging, and production


If you want to integrate your K8s cluster into a CI/CD tool, you will need a service account on K8s.

- Create the service account for deployments: `kubectl apply -f service-account-and-token.yaml`
- To get the token value run: `kubectl describe secret octopus-svc-account-token`.  Copy the token to a file for future usage.


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