This is a web scrapper for I created this web scrapper because I wanted to find out what were the best savings accounts avaliable across all australian banks. has one of the largest collections of savings accounts that are updated/maintained on a daily basics in Australia. The team at have already done the hard work and implemented logic that will calculate how much money each bank account will make for a given period of time and initial amount of money. Unfortunately they don't provide any functionality to list which bank accounts will generate the most interest. Instead they have a "Savings Account Finder" which shows you only a small range of selected bank accounts which are typically competitive however not necessarily the best. This is why I create this repository, to find the best savings accounts based on the amount of interested earned across all savings accounts listed on
The backend logic is written in typescript which is then translated and ran on a node.js server. Bootstrap and jquery where used on the frontend.
You will need to install the following libraries/tools for the backend server:
- Node.js:
- Typescript:
So what are the best savings accounts? Check out my server which is running the code on this repository:
This code repository was designed to automatically be deployed to any Microsoft Azure App Service. Simply create a new Azure App Service (free-tier is fine) and then under the deployment options specify the master branch of this Github repository.
However, if you would prefer to run a local instance of this code without creating a Microsoft Azure account then follow the steps listed below:
- Download all node.js dependencies:
npm install --production
- Translate all typescript files (.ts) to javascript files (.js):
- launch the node.js server:
node index.js