Dependencies: GCC 4.7.3 or later, CMake 2.8.6 or later, and Boost 1.53(but don't use 1.54) or later. You may download them from: Alternatively, it may be possible to install them using a package manager.
More detailed instructions for OS X (assume you’re using MacPorts (they’re, however, pretty self-explanatory and homebrew users shouldn't have troubles following it too):
- Install latest Xcode and command line tools (these are in fact MacPorts prerequisites)
- Install GCC 4.8 and toolchain selector tool:
sudo port install gcc48 gcc_select
- Set GCC 4.8 as an active compiler toolchain:
sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc48
- Install latest Boost, CMake:
sudo port install boost cmake
To build, change to a directory where this file is located, and run make
. The resulting executables can be found in build/release/src
Advanced options:
Parallel build: run make -j<number of threads>
instead of just make
Debug build: run make build-debug
Test suite: run make test-release
to run tests in addition to building. Running make test-debug
will do the same to the debug version.
Building with Clang: it may be possible to use Clang instead of GCC, but this may not work everywhere. To build, run export CC=clang CXX=clang++
before running make
Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 from:
Download and install CMAKE from:
Download and install Boost from:
- Specifically for Boost, download and install at least version 1.53 or later (but not 1.54 or 1.55) (Boost 1.56 will be used in this tutorial)
- Install Boost to C:\boost\boost_1_56_0 or some other directory you wish to put it in. Be sure to navigate to your boost_1_56_0 folder and rename the library where the static libraries are stored from "lib64-msvc-12.0" to "lib". This will ensure that cmake can find the libraries using the -DBOOST_ROOT option in the commands below.
Next you need to open up the VS2013 Command Prompt found here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts\VS2013 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt"
Inside the command prompt navigate to the home directory of the Boolberry source code.
Next run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=C:\boost\boost_1_56_0 -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ..
msbuild.exe boolberry.sln /p:Configuration=Release /m
Note: The /m is optional on the last line and it will direct msbuild to perform a multi-core build. Sometimes this speeds things up.
This resulting executables can be found here: \build\src\Release
A list of some common problems encountered during a Windows build can be found in the comments here: #6