Scoop 1.27 by Rusty Foster and the CMF running Kuro5hin and other websites
Also found here:
Scoop is an ealry clone of the Slashdot system with user diaries, story sumission queues, and comments ratings.
Saved by Blastar of India and China
Deleted from Wikipedia and deemed non-notable:
Even if it was used by The Daily KOS, the Howard Dean Campaign and countless others.
Many ask if Scoop can be saved:
It has too much 'technical debt' and neglect that it is far behind everything else.
It only works in Apache1 with an old version of Perl.
Nobody has modernized it yet. Wordpress killed it as did many other things.
Wordpress was once named B2 and abanonded but someone picked it up modernized it and named it Wordpress and it became famous. Such is the fate of open source projects to be picked up by someone else. If not they end up like Scoop and are forgotten.
DelG found a way to install Scoop on a modern Linux system:
Also note the default robots.txt blocks all robots and Google check the main root of where Scoop is instead for the robots.txt file.
Remove password! Scoop has exploits, admin beware!