Tested on Orangepi Zeroplus with Armbian and Beaglebone Black both with Bookworm OS both had this issue here
command to fix issue
sudo echo "kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us = -1" | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/10-disable-rt-group-limit.conf
Now reboot the system
sudo reboot now
commands to use script
sudo apt install git
git clone
cd ~/
This script will now present a menu.
"1. Install Klipper"
"2. Install Both Klipper and UI (Fluidd/Mainsail)"
"3. Install Klipper Linux MCU"
"4. Change UI (Fluidd/Mainsail)"
klipper-mcu service will not work until klipper linux mcu is flashed!
There will be a menu choice of Fluidd or Mainsail if no choice is made it will default to Fluidd, UI install includes Moonraker and Nginx.
Then continue to setup Klipper for the mcu that you have per klipper instructions here
The Script will install a bare bones printer.cfg if no printer.cfg exists.
The GUI of choice should be accessable so you can edit the printer.cfg from the GUI.
printer.cfg entry for klipper-mcu
[mcu host]
serial: ~/printer_data/comms/host-mcu.serial
Flashing Linux mcu
cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig
In the menu, set "Microcontroller Architecture" to "Linux process," then save and exit.
sudo systemctl stop klipper
make flash
sudo systemctl start klipper
Useful commands
check Klipper-mcu status
sudo systemctl status klipper-mcu
restart Klipper-mcu
sudo systemctl restart klipper-mcu
check klipper status
sudo systemctl status klipper
restart klipper
sudo systemctl restart klipper