- Code readability
- Originality
- Extent of implementation
- What you learnt while doing (most important)
- You can choose any one task and do it either individually or in a team. We will be announcing the teams soon. Those with similar interests will be grouped together. The deadline is 22 April, 5pm. We will be circulating a google form where you have to share the repository link and the details of your tasks and the team.
- Add a README file to your repository and add pictures /video of your task and how you implemented the same.
P.S. You need get acquainted with the use of GitHub now - https://towardsdatascience.com/github-primer-for-dummies-e8d307e52b6d. Check this out on how to get started!
We recommend you try new things and do the tasks on your own. This is a great learning opportunity for each one of you, but do ask in case you feel stuck or encounter any problems. All the best :)