- Cassandra is an open sourced product invented by Facebook in 2008, and is now developed by Apache committers and contributors from many companies.
- Mini Cassandra is a simple distributed Key/Value storage system for managing large amounts of structured data spread out across many commodity servers, while providing highly available service with no single point of failure.
- Large Scale
- Fault Tolerant
- Availbility
- Consistency
- Get(key) Get the value of specified key
- Append(key, data) Append data to an existent Key/Value pair
- Put(key, value) Put a Key/Value pair into database
- Delete(key) Delete a Key/Value pair from database
1.Java >= 1.8
This part we use a level-db java version product. In directory lib, we already provide all of its dependency library.
Serveral months later, we will provide all project's dependency to user in maven.