BitCanna v1.6.1 - Codename `vigorous-grow-fix`
Instructions for preparing the upgrade
Halt-height will be at: 7585420
Estimated Target Date: Fri Mar 10 2023 19:40:13 GMT+0100
1. Build from source or download it
Option 1. Download
rm -rf ./bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz && rm -rf ./bcnad # delete old versions, check bcnad in this folder as well
tar zxvf bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
rm bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
./bcnad version
# result should be `1.6.1`
Option 2. Compile from source
git clone
cd bcna
# git fetch if already cloned
git checkout v1.6.1
make build ## mv build/bcnad $(which bcnad) > manually to service path
make install ## Optional: it install in $GOBIN
2. Prepare (Cosmovisor) or replace (manually) v1.6.0-fix
previous version with this v1.6.1
For Cosmovisor:
You can already perform these steps before the chain halts.
Prepare the folders and binary
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/vigorous-grow-fix/bin/
- If you downloaded it
mv bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/vigorous-grow-fix/bin/
- If you built it:
mv build/bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/vigorous-grow-fix/bin/
Check if everything is working properly:
cosmovisor run version # before upgrade should be: `v1.6.0-fix`; **after upgrade** `v1.6.1`
For BCNAD daemon:
When chain halts: Replace
previous version with thisv1.6.1
Stop the daemon:
sudo service bcnad stop
Replace the binary
- If you built it:
sudo mv build/bcnad $(which bcnad)
- If you downloaded it
sudo mv bcnad $(which bcnad)
Start the daemon and check:
sudo service bcnad restart && sudo journalctl -fu bcnad -o cat #check the logs
Cosmovisor plan name: vigorous-grow-fix
6937aef187a6e47fb01cbbe1911fc845ffea986aff3e2cdbef982a62426fa610 bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz