This repository contains my coursework for various courses/specializations I completed (or currently taking) on Coursera
- Introduction to Machine Learning in Production
- Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production
- Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production
- Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production
- Certificate: Ongoing
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Sequence Models
- Discrete Math and Analyzing Social Graphs
- Calculus and Optimization for Machine Learning
- First Steps in Linear Algebra for Machine Learning
- Probability Theory, Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
- Algorithm Toolbox
- Data Structures
- Algorithms on Graphs (TODO)
- Algorithms on Strings (TODO)
- Advanced Algorithms and Complexity (TODO)
- Genome Assembly Programming Challenge (TODO)
- Object-Oriented Design
- Design Patterns (TODO)
- Software Architecture (TODO)
- Service-Oriented Architecture (TODO)
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript (Audited)
- Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools (Audited)