This part of the training focuses on implementing tests in your data science project. This training touches upon test coverage,
monkeypatching and caching among other topics. See the slides: data\notes\slides_day_2.pptx
Create a virtual environment for this repo, for instance with Anaconda:
conda create --name testing_for_ds -y python=3.10
conda activate testing_for_ds
You can use the same virtual environment for the whole training.
Note: if you just installed anaconda, you might have to initialize your terminal with conda init <SHELL_NAME>
and restart your terminal afterwards.
Install the project in develop mode, with:
pip install -e ".[develop]"
This will install all the dependencies listed in requirements.txt
. Have a look at them to get an idea with what we're working.
We will be using pre-commit for this project, install it with:
pre-commit install
If you commit your code, pre-commit will run some checks. Only if you pass the checks, the commit is completed. For example, it checks whether you've used type-hinting. See .pre-commit-config.yaml for the full configuration.
git checkout -b <branch-name>
git push --set-upstream origin <branch-name>
Note: if you run into the error: "The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported.", this stackoverflow page might help.
After you completed the installation, work yourself through the exercises in the test files: tests\
and tests\test_<subject>.py
Make sure that you answer the exercises (1 to 8) in the right order.
You've completed the assignment if:
- You answered all exercises.
- All the tests pass.
- The pre-commit steps are successful.
- You pushed your code to your personal branch.
Please let me know if you have any questions!