Note: The terms Patient, Client, and User are used interchangeably throughout this organisation.
Welcome to the Bharat Seva+ Client Portal Service! This service is the backbone of Client Management in the Bharat Seva+ project. From authentication and profile management to permission handling, the Client Portal integrates seamlessly with other services like healthcare records and notifications to deliver a unified, smooth experience for users.
Secure Client Authentication and Authorization:
Enables users to securely log in and manage access to protected routes. -
Profile Management:
Allows users to update their profiles and preferences effortlessly. -
Appointment Scheduling and Management:
Handles the complete lifecycle of appointments, from booking to completion. -
Integration with RabbitMQ:
Asynchronous processing of appointments and tasks for enhanced performance. -
Rate Limiting with Redis:
Protects against excessive API requests with efficient rate limiting and caching. -
Data Persistence:
- PostgreSQL for user data and sensitive information.
- MongoDB for appointment and activity records.
- Node.js: Server-side JavaScript runtime
- Express.js: Lightweight, flexible web framework
- PostgreSQL: Relational database for structured data
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for unstructured appointment records
- RabbitMQ: Message broker for task queuing
- Redis: In-memory datastore for caching and rate limiting
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Secure authentication for users
Follow the steps below to set up the Client Portal on your local system.
Ensure the following dependencies are installed:
- Node.js (v16 or higher)
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Docker
- Python
git clone
cd User-Server
npm install
Create a .env file in the project root directory and populate it with the following:
PORT=3001 # Port for the Client Portal
To start the server locally:
npm start
The server will start at http://localhost:3001.
Build the Docker Image
docker build -t client .
Run the Docker Container
docker run -d -p 3001:3001 --name client --env-file .env client
This will start the service at http://localhost:3001 using environment variables from your .env file.
Detailed documentation for all API endpoints, including request and response formats, is available in the Postman collection. Download the collection here.
For secured routes, ensure to include the JWT token in the Authorization header of your API requests:
Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_token>
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for new features or encounter bugs, feel free to:
- Create a pull request
- Open an issue
Let’s build something amazing together!
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License. For more details, see the LICENSE file.