Copyright © 2016-2020 Bernard Greenberg -- GNU GPL Version 3
These are Python-coded tools for preparing and customizing MIDI files for the Hauptwerk/GrandOrgue VPO's (virtual pipe organs). They facilitate registration and manual setup and changes. Each virtual organ to be used must have a definition file within this system, and I provide them for several popular instruments digitized and prepared by Sonus Paradisi and Piotr Grabowski (as well as Hauptwerk's St. Anne, Moseley). I provide instructions for supporting others, but will not do it for you.
These tools are posted and offered under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3. See the file LICENSE for details. They are offered "AS-IS", with no warranty or guarantee of operability or suitability for any purpose made or implied, and use is at your own risk — all the code is available here for inspection.
After downloading or cloning the repository, please open index.html in a browser to learn more.
Python version 3 is required; knowledge of Python is not required. The pyyaml (YAML) package must also be installed (instructions are given in the documentation just cited).
Contact me, the maintainer, via GitHub if necessary.