Simulations, analytical models, and data collection for DNA-Structured Linear Actuators in the BEST Lab. The files are in MATLAB. Updated for ASME JMR submission.
data/ - simulation data and saved data files. note that as of this commit, the experimental data is inside the actual m-files under 'experiments.'
experiments/ - scripts that either perform the simulation experiments, or graph recorded data from other experiments
img/ - location of saved images, generated by scripts
simulations/ - the functions which actually simulate the lengths etc. of the actuators
visualizations/ - scripts and functions that provide visualizations of the actuators, both helical and straight-line.
To recreate the results from the paper submissions, run the scripts inside experiments. See the functions under simulations for the software implementation of the analytical models in the paper.
Copyright 2015-2019 BEST Lab: Kyle Zampaglione, Andrew P. Sabelhaus, Lee-Huang Chen, Adrian K. Agogino, Alice M. Agogino