Releases: BerkeAras/WorkGroup
Releases · BerkeAras/WorkGroup
⚠️ This version is not ready for usage. Please use it for development purposes!⚠️
🚀 New Features:
- #73 🚀Add cookie banner
- #84 🚀 Remember Cookie-Choice of the user
- #68 🚀 Show version-number in left sidebar
- #60 🚀 Improve Login/Register/Reset Screen
- #41 🚀 Add Search-Field
- #27 🚀 Add focus-animation (scale)
- #25 🚀 Add comment feature
- #47 🚀 My Account Page
- #47 🚀 File/Image Uploads in posts
- #47 🚀 Report posts
🐜 Bug Fixes:
- #88 🐜 Display an Error when upload-file is too big API Related API update required
- #87 🐜 Improve Search-Algorithm API Related API update required
- #80 🐜 Like-Button causes an error (sometimes): Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of null
- #77 🐜 Cookie-Banner appears every time on reload on SignIn/SignUp-Page
- #75 🐜 Typo in Login and Register
- #65 🐜 error " is not a function" after expired session
- #57 🐜 Too thin department-chip in search results bug style change
- #55 🐜 User-Component does not reload after URL-Change through search
- #52 🐜 Comment-Section does not load correct comments (wrong post-id)
- #51 🐜 Bad accessibility for some elements
- #49 🐜 Routing Issues
- #37 🐜 Emojis are replaced by question marks in the API
- #32 🐜 Comments are visible for all posts
- #30 🐜 Post-Time only shows current time
- #22 🐜 Heart-Icon from Like-Button disappears randomly