make sure to create the file ./terraform/variable.tfvars with the corresponding environment variables
terraform plan --var-file="variable.tfvars"
terraform apply --var-file="variable.tfvars"
then copy past the kubeconfig output
terraform destroy --var-file="variable.tfvars"
In order to have roles/context, you need to configure your $HOME/.kube/kubeconfig as kubeconfig.template
kubectl config use-context sysadmin | dev
helm dependency build
helm install <RELEASE-NAME> . -f ../../values.yml
helm delete <RELEASE-NAME> && kubectl delete pvc data-<RELEASE-NAME>-mysql-0 && kubectl delete pvc data-<RELEASE-NAME>-rabbitmq-0
Minikube cluster (don't forget to remove the dependency)
minikube addons enable ingress
helm repo add waffle-man
helm install <RELEASE-NAME> waffle-man/t-clo-902