This Boilerplate is the base for React-Redux Websites. Additional functionalities and code will be provided in the toolbox repository. The main skeleton was build according to react-boilerplate tutorial by Nick Karnik. Great Thanks to him.
I updated the original tutorial devDependencies to webpack 4.x and babel 7.x.
Clone git repo then
npm install
npm run build
nmp start
After that a simple web server hosts your site on localhost:8000.
# npm run clean
Runs the rimraf package for cleaning up ./dist and ./node_modules
# npm test
Running Test with jest package. For detailed information about Testing go to Testing
Most React-Redux projects have functional folders, i.e. all components are in components directory or all reducers are in the reducer directory. This boilerplate has a folder structure which is oriented by content. For example all reducers, actions, etc. for the Blog section of a website can be found in the top directory named "Blog". Here comes a detailed explanation of the structure.
Basics can be found in the root directory. These are common files like
- package.json
- .babelrc
- index.html
- configureStore.js etc.
It is the top content category. This can be e.g. the "Blog", "Contact" or "Home" section of a website. This doesn't have to be a single component. Usually several different components and/or react container can be found within one Feature.
Stands for Component/Container Element. It depends on the Use Case whether you need react container or react components. However it is each Feature must have a Celement having the same name as the feature.
This is an approach where you bundle all your redux code into one duck file or folder. See . In this case we use a duck folder where you can find all the logic of one feature. It is separated in files containing actions, the reducer, types, etc.
| |--client
| | |--Feature<1>
| | | |--duck
| | | | |--action.js
| | | | |--operation.js
| | | | |--operation.test.js
| | | | |--types.js
| | | | |--reducer.js
| | | | |--reducer.test.js
| | | |--celement.container.js
| | | |--celement.component.js
| | | |--celement.test.js
| | | |--celement.scss
| | |--Feature<2>
| | | |--...
| | |--index.js
| | |--rootreducer.js
| | |--configureStore.js
| |--server
| |--enzyme.setup.js
|-- <basics>
Not yet implemented.
Not yet implemented.