- Package manager - All the required plugins (with specified versions) can be installed by running 'npm install'. See package.json to view the
- htmlhint - Lints HTML files to display errors/bad coding standards
- jshint - Lints JS files to display errors/bad coding standards (currently disabled)
- concat - Concatenate files. Currently set up to concatenate JS files into one file (production.js)
- uglify - File compression Currently set up to compress production.js
- compass - Compiles compass when any SCSS files are changed (same as compass watch, just faster). Also has dev and production settings.
- watch - Enables any of the above tasks to run when files are changed. Also has livereload so the browser will automatically refresh when a file is changed.
- Include SASS sourcemaps for compass - massively helps with debugging
- Set up with a Magento project.
- Set up individual tasks, e.g dev/production/optimise
- Optimise and refactor, with the main goal is increasing the speed when the tasks are run.
- Fully set up a dev(src) and production(dist) environment.
- Optimise images/folder for file size
- Possibly implement QUnit - A JS unit testing framework
- Possibly implement clean - cleans files and folders
- Possibly implement cssmin - compresses CSS files. Probably better to use compass for this.
- Possibly implement selenium for testing
- Look at responsive-images