Reporting tool for online article click rates
- Python 2.7+
- PostgreSQL 9.5.12
- PsycoPG2
There are 2 branches in this project, with identical files - but different purposes.
- Master Branch - does NOT contain newsdata.sql required for running. This branch is for Udacity Project where db is not hosted locally
- database-included Branch - does contain newsdata.sql database, pushed to git LFS. This branch is for all other usage.
If Using the database-included branch, follow these steps to get up and running
- Fork & clone the database-included branch.
- Open up bash / terminal and navigate to the same directory you cloned the repo
- run the following command to initialize the newsdata DB in PostgresQL
psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
- To run the logs- execute the following command in the same terminal window
Running the file will run the following three queries automatically, and output them to the console.
- Find the three most popular articles, and their view count - ordered by most popular article
- Rank the most popular authors based on article view count
- Find days in the month where the HTTP response failure rate exceeded 1%