This package generates wiki-ready GitHub flavored markdown documentation pages from in-line source code comments. This is similar to Doxygen or JavaDoc, but designed for use with OpenSCAD code. Example images can be generated automatically from short example scripts.
Documentation about how to add documentation comments to OpenSCAD code can be found at
The easiest way to install this is to use pip:
% pip3 install openscad-docsgen
To install directly from these sources, you can instead do:
% python3 build install
The simplest way to generate documentation is:
% openscad-docsgen -m *.scad
Which will read all of .scad files in the current directory, and writes out documentation
for each .scad file to the ./docs/
dir. To write out to a different directory, use
the -D
% openscad-docsgen -D wikidir -m *.scad
To write out an alphabetical function/module index markdown file, use the -i
% openscad-docsgen -i *.scad
To write out a Table of Contents markdown file, use the -t
% openscad-docsgen -t *.scad
To write out a CheatSheet markdown file, use the -c
flag. In addition, you can
specify the project name shown in the CheatSheet with the -P PROJECTNAME
% openscad-docsgen -c -P "My Foobar Library" *.scad
A Topics index file can be generated by passing the -I
% openscad-docsgen -I *.scad
You can just test for script errors more quickly with the -T
flag (for test-only):
% openscad-docsgen -m -T *.scad
By default, the target output profile is to generate documentation for a GitHub Wiki.
You can output for a more generic Wiki with -p wiki
% openscad-docsgen -ticmI -p wiki *.scad
You can also make more persistent configurations by putting a .openscad_docsgen_rc file in the directory you will be running openscad-docsgen from. It can look something like this:
DocsDirectory: WikiDir/ TargetProfile: githubwiki ProjectName: The Foobar Project GeneratedDocs: Files, ToC, Index, Topics, CheatSheet IgnoreFiles: foo.scad std.scad version.scad tmp_*.scad PrioritizeFiles: First.scad Second.scad Third.scad Fourth.scad DefineHeader(BulletList): Side Effects DefineHeader(Table;Headers=Anchor Name|Position): Extra Anchors
For an explanation of the syntax and the specific headers, see:
Here's an example of how to use this library, to get the parsed documentation data:
import openscad_docsgen as docsgen from glob import glob from pprint import pprint dgp = docsgen.DocsGenParser(quiet=True) dgp.parse_files(glob("*.scad")) for name in dgp.get_indexed_names(): data = dgp.get_indexed_data(name) pprint(name) pprint(data["description"])
The data for an OpenSCAD function, module, or constant generally looks like:
{ 'name': 'Function&Module', // Could also be 'Function', 'Module', or 'Constant' 'subtitle': 'line_of()', 'body': [], 'file': 'distributors.scad', 'line': 43, 'aliases': ['linear_spread()'], 'topics': ['Distributors'], 'usages': [ { 'subtitle': 'Spread `n` copies by a given spacing', 'body': ['line_of(spacing, <n>, <p1=>) ...'] }, { 'subtitle': 'Spread copies every given spacing along the line', 'body': ['line_of(spacing, <l=>, <p1=>) ...'] }, { 'subtitle': 'Spread `n` copies along the length of the line', 'body': ['line_of(<n=>, <l=>, <p1=>) ...'] }, { 'subtitle': 'Spread `n` copies along the line from `p1` to `p2`', 'body': ['line_of(<n=>, <p1=>, <p2=>) ...'] }, { 'subtitle': 'Spread copies every given spacing, centered along the line from `p1` to `p2`', 'body': ['line_of(<spacing>, <p1=>, <p2=>) ...'] }, { 'subtitle': 'As a function', 'body': [ 'pts = line_of(<spacing>, <n>, <p1=>);', 'pts = line_of(<spacing>, <l=>, <p1=>);', 'pts = line_of(<n=>, <l=>, <p1=>);', 'pts = line_of(<n=>, <p1=>, <p2=>);', 'pts = line_of(<spacing>, <p1=>, <p2=>);' ] } ], 'description': [ 'When called as a function, returns a list of points at evenly spread positions along a line.', 'When called as a module, copies `children()` at one or more evenly spread positions along a line.', 'By default, the line will be centered at the origin, unless the starting point `p1` is given.', 'The line will be pointed towards `RIGHT` (X+) unless otherwise given as a vector in `l`,', '`spacing`, or `p1`/`p2`.', ], 'arguments': [ 'spacing = The vector giving both the direction and spacing distance between each set of copies.', 'n = Number of copies to distribute along the line. (Default: 2)', '---', 'l = Either the scalar length of the line, or a vector giving both the direction and length of the line.', 'p1 = If given, specifies the starting point of the line.', 'p2 = If given with `p1`, specifies the ending point of line, and indirectly calculates the line length.' ], 'see_also': ['xcopies()', 'ycopies()'], 'examples': [ ['line_of(10) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(10, n=5) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of([10,5], n=5) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(spacing=10, n=6) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(spacing=[10,5], n=6) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(spacing=10, l=50) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(spacing=10, l=[50,30]) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(spacing=[10,5], l=50) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(l=50, n=4) sphere(d=1);'], ['line_of(l=[50,-30], n=4) sphere(d=1);'], [ 'line_of(p1=[0,0,0], p2=[5,5,20], n=6) ' 'cube(size=[3,2,1],center=true);' ], [ 'line_of(p1=[0,0,0], p2=[5,5,20], spacing=6) ' 'cube(size=[3,2,1],center=true);' ], [ 'line_of(l=20, n=3) {', ' cube(size=[1,3,1],center=true);', ' cube(size=[3,1,1],center=true);', '}' ], [ 'pts = line_of([10,5],n=5);', 'move_copies(pts) circle(d=2);' ] ], 'children': [ { 'name': 'Side Effects', 'subtitle': '', 'body': [ '`$pos` is set to the relative centerpoint of each child copy.', '`$idx` is set to the index number of each child being copied.' ], 'file': 'distributors.scad', 'line': 88 } ] }