These scripts perform fine registration using warping. A map for warping is calculated using Farneback optical flow algorithm, by OpenCV. Although images are MINMAX normalized during processing, optical flow algorithms expect images to have similar pixel intensities.
Currently does not support z-stacks.
path to image stack
name of reference channel
output directory
multiprocessing: number of processes, default 1
size of a square tile, default 1000, which corresponds to 1000x1000px tile
overlap between tiles, default 100
number of pyramid levels. Default 3, 0 - will not use pyramids
number of registration iterations per pyramid level. Default 3, cannot be less than 1
python -i /path/to/iamge/stack/out.tif -c "DAPI" -o /path/to/output/dir/ -n 3
numpy tifffile opencv-contrib-python dask scikit-learn