Boilerplate for Universal JS applications with Webkit, React, Redux, and Express.
Non required dev variables
nvm use
if using NVM to select the correct version of Nodenpm install -g babel babel-cli
npm install
npm start
npm install
npm run dist
npm run prod
ex. npm run [command]
- Runs Babel Node with Dev Webpack config for Express and Hot Module Reloadingpostinstall
- Runs distribution task on install - specifically in place for Heroku builddist
- Distribution task to build Production Webpack bundlesclean
- Remove any old builds and make a new distribution foldereslint-all
- ESLint all .js & .jsx files excluding .gitignore fileseslint-file
- ESLint a specific file TBA at end of commandwebpack-prod
- Production Webpack build commandstart
- Start Node serverprod
- Start Node server for Production envtest
- Modernizr is a custom build generated by Webpack from
- Feature detect options can be found at
Pick your poison - included are setups for Vagrant or Docker to assist in local development
- Install Vagrant and run
vagrant up
- Build container and change name or version tag as needed
docker build -t baus-boilerplate:1.0 .
- Run container and change ports as needed
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/var/www/dist -p 8080:8080 baus-boilerplate:1.0
Set the required variables in terraform.tfvars
. Then set the following variables in your environment:
export TF_VAR_heroku_api_key=
export TF_VAR_cloudflare_api_key=
├── App/ # Main Application
| ├── Components/
| | ├── Component Group/ # Child Components / Dumb Components
| | | ├── Index.jsx # Componet Entry Point
| | | ├── Component.jsx # Child Component Incorporated in Index.jsx
| | ├── Component.jsx # Single Component
| |
| ├── Containers/
| | ├── Container.jsx # Main Parent / Smart Component
| |
| ├── Stylesheets/ # Base Styles to be imported where needed
| | ├── Animations/ # Animation mixins and easing functions
| | ├── Defaults/ # Default Global styles
| | ├── Fonts/ # Font Families
| | ├── Mixins/ # Mixin functions
| | ├── Modules/ # Module Styles for Different Components
| | | ├── Component.scss # Specific styles imported for a component
| | ├── Utilities/ # Utility sytles - ie. clearfix
| | ├── Variables.scss # Global variables
| |
| ├── Templates # Handlebars Templates for base page rendering
| ├── app.js # Main App Entry Point for React Application for page content
| ├── routes.js # Application Routes used by App.js with React-Router
├── Public # Public folder for output and static content
| ├── Dist # Output folder for generated application
| ├── Fonts # Font Files
| ├── Images # Image Location
├── Server # Express Server Files
| ├── Dev.Server.js # Todo: Seperate Dev server requirements from main server
| ├── Server.js # Main Server to render and return page
├── Webpack # Webpack Config Files
| ├── Dev.Config.js # Dev Config for Dev Server and Hot Loading
| ├── Production.Config.js # Production Output config to generate final files
├── Index.js # Express App Entry Point
Webpack is used as commonjs module bundler, css builder (using sass-loader) and assets loader (images and svg files).
- Enables source maps
- Hot Module Replacement - Adds JS and CSS updates to page without reload or state change
- webpack-error-notification plugin. To get notified on errors while compiling the code, on Mac you must
brew install terminal-notifier
In order to load CSS inline and prevent any FOUC both configs set a process.env.BROWSER
global variable, useful to require CSS from the components, e.g:
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
- Split code into chunks for different pages with webpack and include through react router