The Basti890 Mods inculde:
- higher item stacknumbers
- plantable peas
- Valmars Foods
- more skill points per level
- craft Tier6
- more mod slots per Item Level (Level 1,2,3,4,5,6 = 0,1,2,3,4,5 Mod Slots)
- quicker crafting with Nerdy Glsses and way faster Smelting with Advanced Bellows
- more time before loot drops from Zombies and killed animals disapear
- faster zombie body disapearing (for performance reasons)
- tool mods make tools way more powerfull
- udpgrade wood to metal and than to cobblestone
- downgrade steel to concrete when destroyed (effectivly higher health for steel)
- more health for cobbelstone, and bricks
- craft brick shapes
- faster Looting
- some reduced ingredients for selected recipies
- larger vehicle storage
- player craftable ovens are now usable as campfire without using any fuel
- 1 more craftig queue slot
- 1 more forge smelting slot
- more crafting output slots
- lockable inventory slots
- Bigger Generators
- faster skilling through the Skill magazines
- faster dew collector
Just download the code as ZIP and copy the mods in: %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods (create the Mods folder if iot does not exist).
You are free to suggest changes and bugfixes.