This is a header-only library, as such most of its functional documentation is contained within the "header section" of the source code in the form of comments. It is highly recommended that you read said documentation before using this library.
The dynarr library provides type-generic general-purpose array data structures, its features include:
- No hard dependencies besides the standard library, making it fully portable for most purposes
- Configurable memory allocation function, allowing for compatibility with custom memory managers
- Usable as a stack, queue, dynamic array, binary-searchable list, or all of the above at once
- Supports sorting using either its own linear sort or the standard qsort implemenetation
#define DYNARR_STATIC //static version
#include "dynarr.h" //include dynarr
#include <stdio.h> //printf
static int sortInt(const int*, const int*);
int main () {
//declare and initialize dynarr
int* darr = DYNARR_NEW(int);
//push a couple of elements
DYNARR_PUSH(darr, 4);
DYNARR_PUSH(darr, 1);
DYNARR_PUSH(darr, 3);
DYNARR_PUSH(darr, 2);
//sort dynarr in ascending order
DYNARR_SORT_STD(darr, sortInt);
//iterate through the dynarr and print its elements
for (int i = 0; i < DYNARR_SIZE(darr); i++)
printf("darr[%d] = %d\n", i, DYNARR_AT(darr, i));
//free the dynarr
return 0;
static int sortInt (const int* a, const int* b) {
return *a-*b; //ascending order
You are not required to give attribution when using this library. If you want to give attribution anyway, either link to this repository, my website, or credit me as BareRose. If you want to support me financially, consider giving to my Patreon.
Licensed under CC0 aka the most lawyer-friendly way of spelling "public domain".