Action Status | Discord |
(based on Stamm-Colors) is a summary of Colors and More Colors. Depending on the game More Colors will be used as default. Should the game be CS:GO Colors will be used. The include providing a perfect base for plugins supporting multiple games.
CPrintToChat(int client, const char[] message, any ...)
CPrintToChatAll(const char[] message, an ...)
CPrintToChatEx(int client, int author, const char[] message, any ...)
CPrintToChatAllEx(int author, const char[] message, any ...)
CReplyToCommand(int author, const char[] message, any ...)
CReplyToCommandEx(int client, int author, const char[] message, any ...)
CShowActivity(int author, const char[] message, any ...)
CShowActivityEx(int author, const char[] tag, const char[] message, any ...)
CShowActivity2(int author, const char[] tag, cconst char[] message, any ...)
CPrintToServer(const char[] message, any ...)
CFormatColor(char[] message, int maxlength, int author = -1)
CRemoveTags(char[] message, int maxlen)
CSetPrefix(const char[] sPrefix, any ...)
By using C* Functions, offers these include a good compatibility to Colors and More Colors.
- Stamm-Colors:
- Colors:
- More Colors:
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#include <sourcemod>
#include <multicolors>
public void OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_multicolors", Command_MultiColors);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_addprefix", Command_AddPrefix);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_clearprefix", Command_ClearPrefix);
public Action Command_AddPrefix(int client, int args)
if (IsSource2009())
CReplyToCommand(client, "You can use {#FFFFFF}sm_multicolors {default}now !");
CReplyToCommand(client, "You can use {yellow}sm_multicolors {default}now !");
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action Command_ClearPrefix(int client, int args)
if (IsSource2009())
CReplyToCommand(client, "You can use {#FFFFFF}sm_multicolors {default}now !");
CReplyToCommand(client, "You can use {yellow}sm_multicolors {default}now !");
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action Command_MultiColors(int client, int args)
CPrintToChat(client, "CPrintToChat - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CPrintToChatAll("CPrintToChatAll - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CPrintToChatEx(client, client, "CPrintToChatEx - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CPrintToChatAllEx(client, "CPrintToChatAllEx - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CReplyToCommand(client, "CReplyToCommand - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CReplyToCommandEx(client, client, "CReplyToCommandEx - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CShowActivity(client, "CShowActivity - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CShowActivityEx(client, "[SM]", "CShowActivityEx - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CShowActivity2(client, "[SM]", "CShowActivity2 - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
char sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
Format(sName, sizeof(sName), "{green}%N", client);
CPrintToChat(client, "CPrintToChat - Name (Before CFormatColor): %s", sName);
PrintToChat(client, "PrintToChat - Name (Before CFormatColor): %s", sName);
CFormatColor(sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, client);
CPrintToChat(client, "CPrintToChat - Name (After CFormatColor): %s", sName);
PrintToChat(client, "PrintToChat - Name (After CFormatColor): %s", sName);
Format(sName, sizeof(sName), "{green}%N", client);
CPrintToChat(client, "Name (Before CFormatColor): %s", sName);
CRemoveTags(sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
CPrintToChat(client, "Name (After CFormatColor): %s", sName);
CPrintToChatObservers(client, "CPrintToChatObservers - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CPrintToChatObserversEx(client, "CPrintToChatObserversEx - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
CPrintToServer("CPrintToServer - {darkblue}%s - {darkred}%s", "Test", "Test");
return Plugin_Continue;