An extension for Sentry to expand raw javascript stack traces on the server, rather than the client. Allows for a lighter client.
Install the package via pip:
pip install sentry-javascript-lite
This plugin includes all of the functionality of the builtin Javascript plugin. It is redundant to have both enabled.
The plugin looks for an extra field rawstack
in the event data. It then attempts to expand this field into a Sentry stacktrace. This allows clients to simply submit the stack property provided with a browser exception.
Example client usage:
/** @param {Error} e */
function ExceptionLogger(e) {
var data = {
'project': 2,
'logger': 'my-custom-logger',
'platform': 'javascript',
'level': 4,
'request': {
'url': '' + location.href,
'headers': {
'User-Agent': navigator.userAgent
'exception': {
'value': e.message
'message': e.message,
'extra': {
'rawstack': e.stacktrace || e.stack
if (e['cause']) {
data['cause'] = e['cause'];
if (e['culprit']) {
data['culprit'] = e['culprit'];
var dataString = JSON.stringify(data);
var endpoint = endpointParsedFromDsn +
'?sentry_version=4&sentry_client=' +
encodeURIComponent(data['logger']) +
'&sentry_key=' + apikey +
'&sentry_data=' + encodeURIComponent(dataString);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if ('withCredentials' in xhr) {'GET', endpoint, true);
} else {
(new Image())['src'] = endpoint;
Note: The stack or stacktrace property on browser Error objects is only provided by modern browsers. For older browser support, use the official raven-js client.