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SSDT Module

Matthew Kelly edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 2 revisions

The SSDT module allows you to publish, or generate the SQL change script, of your database solution's dacpac file via SSDT's SqlPackage tool.


Key Type Description Values
action string The type of action to perform publish, script
path string [Optional] This is the path to your SqlPackage.exe tool [Default] C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe
source string This is the path to your dacpac file -
publish string [Optional] Only usable if the action is publish. This is the path to your publish profile XML file for the dacpac/environment. If this is not supplied, then you must supply arguments to the target database -
output string Only usable if the action is script. This is the path to where the module will create the SQL change script -
timeout integer [Optional] Specifies a timeout, in seconds, for SSDT. If not specified, the default value is SSDT's default -
backupFirst boolean [Optional] Specifies whether you want the target database to be backed-up before publishing [Default] false
dropFirst boolean [Optional] Specifies whether you want the target database to be dropped before publishing [Default] false
blockOnLoss boolean [Optional] Specifies whether you want SSDT to stop if it detects possible data loss during a publish [Default] true
arguments string [Optional] Additional arguments that you would like to be passed when SSDT is called -


The following is an example of using the SSDT module to publish a database:

    "paint": [
            "type": "ssdt",
            "action": "publish",
            "source": "C:\\path\\to\\some\\file.dacpac",
            "publish": "C:\\path\\to\\some\\publish.xml",
            "arguments": "/p:IgnorePermissions=True"

The above will publish the file.dacpac using the publish profile publish.xml. During the publish it will ignore any database permissions that may have changed.

The following is an exmaple of using the SSDT module to generate the SQL change script for a database:

    "paint": [
            "type": "ssdt",
            "action": "script",
            "source": "C:\\path\\to\\some\\file.dacpac",
            "output": "C:\\path\\to\\create\\output.sql"

The above will generate the SQL change script for the file.dacpac. The script will be placed at C:\\path\\to\\create\\output.sql.


The erase section is identical to the paint section.