In this repository you will find a docker file which will allow for running Apache Spark and Zeppelin inside docker containers or inside kubernetes.
##Pull the image from Docker Repository
docker pull bzcareer/docker-analytics-notebook
Navigate to the bin directory and run
cd bin
or via docker commands:
docker build --rm -t bzcareer/docker-analytics-notebook .
- if using boot2docker make sure your VM has more than 2GB memory for single standalone mode:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 9999:9999 -p 7077:7077 --hostname bzcareer/docker-analytics-notebook
To speed things up a bit pull down the docker image from dockerhub:
[ zak@localhost ] $ vagrant up
[ zak@localhost ] $ vagrant ssh default
Once your in the vm:
[ vagrant@localhost] oc login
username: admin
password: password
[ vagrant@localhost] $ oc new-project cloudanalytics
Now using project "cloudcassandra" on server "".
[ vagrant@localhost] $ docker pull bzcareer/docker-analytics-notebook
[ vagrant@localhost] $ git clone
[ vagrant@localhost] $ cd docker-analytics-notebook/kubernetes-demo/
[ vagrant@localhost] $ oc create -f zeppelin-spark-notebook.pod.json
[ vagrant@localhost] $ oc create -f zeppelin-spark-notebook.service.json
This is just an experiment so I hope you do not use in production.
Apache Spark v1.6.1 and Apache Zeppelin v0.6.0 on Ubuntu with Java 8